Part 21: We need your sister

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*Back at the lab they are trying with all their might to save Bucky*

*Vision arrives*

Vision: How may I be of service?

Bruce: I need you to scan him for all his internal injuries

Vision: Scanning

*A hologram of his internal injuries shows*

Bruce: He'll live

Pietro: That's good, Steve just texted me to tell me that him and y/n went for an ice cream

Bruce: There is only one problem

Tony: We need vibranium

Bruce: Yup

Tony: Friday, I need you to call T'Challa

Friday: Calling King T'Challa

*On the phone*

T'Challa: Hello?

Tony: Your majesty, we need your sister

T'Challa: Why?

Tony: Bucky Barnes is in trouble and for him to live we need your sister to heal him

T'Challa: How long does he have without our help?

Bruce: We can't do much, but I give it a day maybe a little bit more

T'Challa: She's on her way

Bruce: Thank you so much your majesty

*The call ends*

Bruce: He's in pain

Tony: Pietro, I hate to ask this but we need your sister too

Pietro: Wanda? I'll go for her

Tony: You know i'm not talking about her

Pietro: It'll destroy her

Bruce: And the pain will destroy him

Tony: She can take it away, she tried on me yesterday, she can

Pietro: Yes, but this is so different, it's a bullet, not a punch

Tony: I know but she will be more disappointed if she knew she could've helped him and didn't

*Wanda walks in*

Wanda: Tony is right Pietro, we need her

Pietro: But...

Wanda: Hey, I love her as much as you do but it's not okay for her not to know and not to help when she can

Pietro: Fine, i'll call Steve

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