Part 9: Let's go to the beach

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*An hour later you are ready and go downstair to join the other*

*You see that they are all already there*

Morgan: Y/N!

*She runs towards you and you hug her and pick her up*

Y/N: Morgan! Hey baby girl, how are you?

Morgan: I'm great, my teeth are starting to fall off

Y/N: Oh my god that is amazing

Morgan: Yep

Y/N: You are so big!

Morgan: Doctor says I am growing very fast

Tony: You indeed are

*You smile and turn to look at Bucky and he is smiling at you*

Y/N: What?

Bucky: Nothing, you are just amazing with kids

Y/N: Yeah, I love them

Bucky: How do you know Morgan anyway

Y/N: When we were planning my whole going into the Avengers thing I spent a lot of time in Tony and Pepper's house so I spent a lot of time with Morgan. She is an adorable little girl

Pietro: Well time to go people

Wanda: Yes! Let's go to the beach!

*You all go to the jet*

*About an hour and a half later you arrive at an island*

Y/N: What's this place?

Tony: This is my island

Y/N: Wow Tony, what a way to make someone feel poor

*You both laugh*

*The jet lands in the beach and Morgan pulls you with her while everybody else walks out*

Morgan: Let's build a sand castle

Y/N: A huge one?

Morgan: Bigger than my dad

Y/N: Wow that is really big

Morgan: Yeah it is

Tony: First sunscreen or your mom will kill me

Morgan: But dad!

Y/N: Hey baby girl, I have to put sunscreen on too, so what about if I go with Bucky so that he helps me put some sunscreen on and you go with your dad?

Y/N: *whispering to morgan* and that way you can see how tall he is and that's how we'll know how big our castle needs to be

Morgan: Okay

*You walk towards Bucky and take your shorts and shirt off so that you can put sunscreen*

Y/N: Buck can you help me put some sunscreen on my back?

Bucky: Uhm, uh, yeah, sure, okay

*You laugh*

Nat: Girl, i'm stealing that swimsuit

Nat: Girl, i'm stealing that swimsuit

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*You accidentally read Bucky's mind*

Bucky: *on his mind* please do

*You laugh softly*

Y/N: You can take it whenever you want

Nat: Thanks, well, gotta get back to helping Scott

Y/N: What happened?

Nat: Oh he got stuck on the sand

Y/N: How do you do that?

Nat: No idea

*Nat leaves and you turn to Bucky*

Y/N: So you gonna help me?

Bucky: Uh yeah, and she is right I like your swimsuit a lot

Y/N: *on your mind* but you like it better off don't you?

*You hand him the sunscreen and turn around*

Bucky: What are you doing over there with Morgan?

Y/N: We're gonna build a sand castle bigger than Tony

Bucky: Oh really?

Y/N: Yep

*You both laugh*

Y/N: Wanna help?

Bucky: Sure

Y/N: Morgan's going to be very happy, it will all be faster with your help

*You finish putting sunscreen on and walk towards Morgan*

Y/N: Ready? Bucky's gonna help us

Morgan: Yay!

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