Part 43: Therapy session

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*You are in your therapy session*

Y/N: Dr. Jones I really do think i'm alright now

Dr. Jones: Oh really?

Y/N: Yes, absolutely

Dr. Jones: So you haven't had any thoughts?

Y/N: Nope not at all

*Flashback to 4 night before*

*You are crying in you bathroom with the razor in your hand and you are about to cut yourself but you don't*

*Back to reality*

Dr. Jones: I know that look, what happened?

Y/N: Fine, I did have some thoughts and I almost did it but I didn't do it

Dr. Jones: Why didn't you do it?

Y/N: Because of all the progress

Dr. Jones: You sure Steve wasn't there

Y/N: I swear it was on my own

*It was the truth*

Dr. Jones: Well, that's good, you are starting to control yourself but you still have a long way to go. Now tell me, why did you almost do it?

Y/N: It's stupid

Dr. Jones: It's not stupid if it made you wanna harm yourself

Y/N: My ex-boyfriend

Dr. Jones: Right, Steve told me there is a complicated history there

Y/N: Yeah, complicated

Dr. Jones: Do you want to tell me what happened?

Y/N: Basically he disappeared 5 years ago and we haven't heard from him since, we don't even know if he's alive

Dr. Jones: Sounds like an asshole

*You laugh*

Y/N: Not at all, he was the sweetest man I have ever met

Dr. Jones: Then why did he leave?

Y/N: Let's just say it wasn't his fault

Dr. Jones: Well, I know you have a boyfriend now

Y/N: Yup

Dr. Jones: What's his name?

Y/N: Chris

Dr. Jones: How long have you been with Chris?

Y/N: About a year and a half

Dr. Jones: Wow you guys are serious

Y/N: Yeah

Dr. Jones: Are you planning on getting married?

Y/N: Oh I don't know, at least I don't have that in my plans but let's see what the future brings

Dr. Jones: That's the spirit. So this ex-boyfriend of yours?

Y/N: What about him?

Dr. Jones: Tell me about him, what was his name?

Y/N: James

Dr. Jones: And how long were you two together?

Y/N: Not long, about 3 months until he went away

Dr. Jones: Did you fall in love with him?

Y/N: Yes. Yes I did. It was impossible not to fall for him, he was handsome, and generous, he was so mysterious but at the same time he opened up with me so much. He was so nice with me, he was so sweet. The only birthday we got to be together for was my 27th birthday, he made me this big surprise dinner with all of our friends

Dr. Jones: He seemed so sweet

Y/N: Yeah

Dr. Jones: And you sound like you still love him

Y/N: Oh absolutely. I will never stop loving him. I thought I would spend the rest of my life with him

Dr. Jones: So when did he leave?

Y/N: That night actually

Dr. Jones: What?

Y/N: Yeah

Dr. Jones: But why? He sounds like the greatest guy ever

Y/N: He is, he was. Like I said it wasn't his fault

Dr. Jones: I feel like you are keeping things from me, details, important details

Y/N: Nah

Dr. Jones: Well, now talk to me about Chris, is he as great as James?

Y/N: He is great, he is a gentleman and really sweet

Dr. Jones: And do you love him?

Y/N: Yeah, I do

Dr. Jones: But...

Y/N: But not as much as James

Dr. Jones: Y/n, you have to let him go

Y/N: But I can't

Dr. Jones: Why?

Y/N: Because... look as I said before I thought we were gonna be together forever

Dr. Jones: But you are not, he left, that's on him

Y/N: It's not! He didn't have a choice!

Dr. Jones: What?

Y/N: Nothing, can we get over with the session please?

Dr. Jones: It's actually time, remember your exercises

Y/N: Yeah, yeah, right, good bye doc

Dr. Jones: Good bye, see you next week

Y/N: Sure

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