Part 54: If you love her

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*Meanwhile this was what Chris and Bucky where up to*

Bucky: Hey Chris, can I talk to you privately?

Chris: Uhm... sure

*They walk to a room*

Chris: What's up?

Bucky: Look, I know you know I love y/n. I will always love she may be the greatest love of my life but she's with you now, and she seems very happy, i'm glad you make her happy but can I please tell you some things?

Chris: Uhm... yeah okay go ahead

Bucky: She always has trouble falling asleep, she likes to cuddle while under the sheets, she loves pop songs and dancing and bad trash TV, there's still a few other things. She loves love notes and babies, and likes giving gifts, has a hard time accepting a good compliment, and she loves her siblings, and all of her friends

Chris: I know all that

Bucky: You are the one she let in, so take it, she gave you her heart so don't you break it, let your arms be a place she feels safe in. On days when it feels like the whole world might cave in stand side by side and you'll make it. She's the best thing that you'll ever have, she'll love you even more if you love her like that

Chris: I know that, I love her so much and I could never let her go

Bucky: Kiss her with passion as much as you can, run your hands through her hair whenever she's sad, and when she doesn't notice how pretty she is tell her over and over so she never forgets

Chris: I'll do that

Bucky: Please take care of her

Chris: I will always take care of her, whatever it takes, I promise

Bucky: Thank you

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