Part 18: I gotta go to a mission

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*You go to your room to lay down on bed and you turn on your tv*

*Someone knocks on your door*

Y/N: Who is it?

Steve: It's me

Y/N: Come in

*Steve opens the door*

Steve: Hey I wanted to check in on you, that must've been really hard on you too

Y/N: Yeah it kind of was, but it's okay, I know it was not real

Steve: Yeah but seeing Bucky there, dead, it made it feel so real

Y/N: I get it, i'm sorry again

Steve: Hey no it's okay, everything's okay, i'm okay, you're okay, Buck's okay

Y/N: Yeah

Steve: Well, i'll leave you to rest

Y/N: Thanks, you should rest too

Steve: Yeah, should I close the door?

Y/N: Yes please

*Steve walks out of your room and closes the door behind you*

*You decide to play 'The Notebook' because it's your comfort movie*

*After about an hour of the movie you hear another knock on your door*

Y/N: Come in

*Bucky opens the door and comes in*

Bucky: Hey doll, you okay? You seemed pretty shook after training

Y/N: Yeah, i'm okay

Bucky: That's good. Hey I have to tell you something

*You pause the movie and turn towards him*

Y/N: What is it? Are you okay?

Bucky: Uhm, yeah, it's just, I gotta go to a mission with Clint and Nat

Y/N: Oh! How long will you be away?

Bucky: I don't know, it seems pretty easy but I don't know how long it'll take

Y/N: And when are you leaving?

Bucky: In about half an hour

*That moment you notice that he is suited up*

Y/N: Well, take care please

Bucky: Always

Y/N: I'll miss you

Bucky: I'll miss you more

*You two kiss*

Y/N: Good luck

Bucky: Thanks, see you when I get back

*He walks out of your room and closes the door*

*You resume your movie and fall asleep while watching it*

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