Part 4: You like him. You like her.

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*You get ready and go downstairs*

*This is your outfit*

*This is your outfit*

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Y/N: I'm ready Wanda

Wanda: Great, let's go

*You two got to Wanda's car*

Wanda: I'll drive

Y/N: Okay

*While you are in your way to the mall*

Wanda: So, what was that earlier today with Bucky?

Y/N: What was what?

Wanda: You know, both of you talking and you blushed

Y/N: Really? Did I blush?

Wanda: You like him

Y/N: No I don't, I mean I like him as a friend, he is great but not in any other way

Wanda: Well, he likes you

Y/N: Really?

Wanda: Oh yes, since you walked in yesterday

Y/N: Do you really think so?

Wanda: No, I don't think so, I know so

Y/N: Well... I don't like him like that. I mean he is very attractive and really great but I don't like him in any romantic way

Wanda: Sure, whatever you say

Y/N: Anyways, where are we going first?

Wanda: Right, first you wanna go for furniture or decorations?

Y/N: Furniture, that way I'll have a better idea of decorations

Wanda: Great idea, we're going to IKEA then

Y/N: Ok

*Later that afternoon after you already have furniture, decorations and paint you come back to the Avengers compound*

*As you get out of the car you see Bucky and Steve walking*

Y/N: Hey guys! Can you please help us with this?

Wanda: You know I can move everything very easily right?

Y/N: Shut up

*Wanda laughs*

*Bucky and Steve come help you*

Steve: Sure, where should all this go?

Y/N: In my room

Steve: I don't know where it is

Bucky: I know, i'll take you

Steve: Uhm... okay

*Bucky and Steve leave towards your room with some of the furniture*

Wanda: He knows?

Y/N: Uhm yeah, I kind of bumped into him last night while I was going to ask you for some toothpaste

Wanda: But you never asked

Y/N: Nope because he offered to give me some

Wanda: Oh... okay

*Meanwhile Bucky and Steve*

Steve: How do you know where her room is?

Bucky: I just bumped into her last night while she was going to ask Wanda for something

Steve: Okay, so you like her

Bucky: What?! Who even said that

Steve: Buck, I've known you almost 100 years, you can't hide anything from me

Bucky: Uhmmmm

Steve: So i'll repeat, you like her don't you?

Bucky: Maybe, I mean we've only known each other 2 days but she is really beautiful and such a good person

Steve: Look I just don't want you to get hurt

Bucky: Don't worry, I'm strong

Steve: Okay

*They arrive at your room*

Bucky: Here we are

*While they put the furniture down Wanda and you arrive at your room*

Y/N: Thanks guys

Steve: Whatever you need

Bucky: Yeah just ask

Steve: Anyways we'll leave you to it

Wanda: Thanks

*They both leave your room*

*Wanda and you spend the next two hours painting and decorating your room*

*It looks like this*

*It looks like this*

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Y/N: I love it

Wanda: Me too, we did a great job

*Nat comes in*

Nat: I'm definitely moving in here

*You all laugh*

Nat: How was shopping today?

Y/N: Great

Wanda: It was really fun

Nat: So y/n I just wanted to tell you that we'll start your training tomorrow, you got good moves but you can improve

Y/N: Okay

Wanda: Yes, and after that we will practice with your powers

Y/N: Okay, well I better get a good rest then

Wanda: Yes, we'll get out of your hair

Nat: Good night y/n

Y/N: Good night to both of you

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