Chapter 5

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When Kyle arrived at the Zoo he went straight to the Lion cage worried about Nala, Pythor, and the others. When he got there though he gasped in fear when he saw that the lion's enclosure was completely and utterly destroyed. He ran inside to find any trace of Nala or the others alive but he couldn't even find a paw print amongst the shredded earth and shattered Rocks. He then snarled angrily and stood up before running through the zoo to find the creatures that took his family from him. He kept running when he heard something or someone in the meat storage building. He ran over and gasped at the huge hole that was in the side of the building and he slowly and cautiously went inside. When he went in he heard the sounds of multiple creatures eating. He walked over and his eyes widened when he saw that the four creatures were Nala, Pythor, and the other two lions but they were mutated.

Meanwhile Viktor Veloci was watching the zoo from a large cliff. He saw Kyle enter the zoo and start looking for something. "Hmm, who are you, and why are you not running from the zoo like the others, why run towards the danger of mutated lions." Asked Viktor as he watched him closely. "Bring me that boy, he could be a useful asset." Said Viktor as he looked at his henchmen. The nodded and moved out to capture Kyle.

Meanwhile Kyle walked over carefully. "Nala, please look at me." Called Kyle as he got over to the one he knew was Nala due to her light tan fur and long scar across her leg. Nala looked at him but she didn't show any signs of recognition, instead she snarled and prepared to attack him. "Yikes, Go Dino." Said Kyle.

Kyle had forgotten how big he truly was and his back spines broke through the roof. He was lucky that he wasn't any bigger or he'd be in trouble. Nala looked at him and lunged. Kyle couldn't bring himself to hurt Nala so he ran outside wanting to try and trap her. He was unaware he exposed himself to Viktor Veloci.

"Another Perfect Dinosaur, and a Acrocanthosaurus, get down there and capture it." Said Veloci. His Henchmen nodded and ran down to the zoo to try and capture Kyle and the Mutant Lions. "Where did that thing come from, no way that could've snuck down there like that." Said Veloci. He then remembered the kid that ran into the zoo. "Hmm, maybe Ms. Moynihan and I aren't the only shape shifting Dino's Around here, maybe other Dino's survived extinction and evolved like us." Said Veloci as he looked at the Acrocanthosaurus again.

Meanwhile Max, Fiona, Caruso, Buzz, and Rodger were heading towards the Zoo quickly when one of Rodgers gizmo's went off. "What's that for Rodger?" Asked Max. "It lets me know wheb Viktor Veloci is near by, while dealing with the Dino Dogs I manages to sneak a small robosquito onto Veloci and it injected him with a serum that this thing detects, and since I made the serum up, Veloci is the only one who it will detect." Said Rodger. "Wait, if Veloci is near, then he could wind up seeing Kyle go Dino, we gotta hurry." Said Fiona as she sped up. After realizing she was right they all hurried up as well.

Meanwhile Kyle was busy trying to capture Nala by leading her towards a metal cage that nothing could break through. "That's right Nala, follow me." Said Kyle as he kept going while making sure she was following. He then saw Viktor Veloci's henchmen and snarled. "Great." He said to himself sarcastically. He then took off running a different direction before winding up falling into the torn apart Lion enclosure. Nala then walked in ready for a battle.

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