Chapter 4

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Meanwhile at the zoo the Henchmen delivered the animal food and left preparing for the primordial oozed meat to infect the animals. They walked out and returned to their Raptor Truck and just waited patiently for both the Mutants and the Perfect Dinosaur.

Meanwhile back at the Lighthouse everyone was finishing up. "Well, I think I'm gonna head to the zoo, talk to you all later." Said Kyle as he was about to walk off. "Kyle wait." Called Fiona. "Yeah, what's up?" Asked Kyle. "Here, this will let you know when a mutant appears, and you can set it off as well." Said Fiona as she gave him a watch just like hers and the others. "Thanks Fiona, now I'm heading to the Zoo, I got something I need to do." He said calmly as he left and started walking towards the Zoo. "Wonder what that was about, he seemed slightly upset." Said Max. "I know, should we follow him?" Asked Fiona. "No, that would make him think we don't think he can handle himself." Said Ms. Moynihan.

After Kyle left he went straight to the zoo where he got changed and went to do his job of feeding and taking care of the lions, leopards, and all the large cats. He had never told anyone this but he had been raised by wild animals and was living with adopted parents, he saw all the large cats at the zoo as his true family so he never wanted them to be hurt. He started making his way through the animals when he got to the last amount of meat unaware that this was the meat Viktor Veloci had contaminated. He walked into the Lion Cage and was immediately tackled by a female lioness who started licking his face. "It's great to see you to Nala." Said Kyle. She got off and waited for him to feed her. Kyle smiled and tossed the steak over to Nala, Pythor, and the other two which he hadn't named yet. When they got their food they started eating immediately while Kyle tended to their enclosure, cleaning anything that tourists had thrown into the cage and making sure everything was still working. Once he was done he left the Lion cage but not before receiving one last loving lick from Nala. He then left and went home to relax and think about his new secret that he had to hide.

Meanwhile Fiona and the rest of the gang were still at the Lighthouse. "So why do you think Kyle went to the zoo?" Asked Buzz. "Probably to see all the cool animals." Said Caruso. "Or he could just have a job there." Said Max. "Actually that might not be too far off Max, I was curious since we knew nothing about him and it turns out he was living with lions, tigers and any other breed of large wild cat before he moved here to live with his current family, so he may go to the zoo to work and feel closer to his roots." Said Rodger as he pulled up a article. Just then the alarm in the lighthouse went off signaling them that there were mutant dinosaurs. "We gotta warn Kyle, they're at the Zoo." Said Ms. Moynihan. Fiona panicked and called Kyle to warn him before finding out he was at home but heading there now. "We gotta go, Kyle will need our help." Said Fiona as she went downstairs and got on her Spinocycle and took off quickly with the others in hot pursuit. "We're coming Kyle, we should be there soon." Said Max through his watch. He didn't get a response though.

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