Chapter 3

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After a few hours Kyle started to wake up. "Guys, he's waking up." Said Fiona. They all turned and looked at Kyle from their respective areas. Kyle held his head. "Man, what a strange dream, that's the last time I go to bed on an empty stomach." He said calmly before looking around. "Where are we guys?" Asked Kyle. "A lighthouse, it's the safest place for us." Said Buzz. Kyle looked at him confusedly. "What do you mean?" Asked Kyle. Buzz then shifted his entire head into a Pteranodon head. This made Kyle jump back in fear. "You mean you all are ...?" Said Kyle. "Yes, we all can change into Dinosaurs, even Ms. Moynihan is one." Said Caruso. Kyle almost passed out again at that but Fiona caught him before he could fall. "You'll be alright Kyle, just breathe, and relax, also Ms. Moynihan will help you control your new ability so you can help us save the world." Said Fiona. Kyle looked at her and sighed not sure what to do.

After a few hours Ms. Moynihan walked into the Lighthouse and started explaining everything to Kyle that she explained to Max and the others when they first changed. She then placed her hand on Kyle's left shoulder and a large carnivore appeared. "Let's go outside and see what you are." Said Fiona. They all nodded and walked outside. "Oh and say Go Dino, it makes it cooler." Said Buzz. Kyle nodded and concentrated. "Go Dino." Said Kyle.

(Just listen to the video, you don't have to look at the images.)

When Kyle fully transformed he was now a pitch black Acrocanthosaurus. "Ms. Moynihan, what species is he, he looks much bigger than Max." Said Caruso. "He's an Acrocanthosaurus, a large and dangerous carnivore." Said Ms. Moynihan as she then started explaining important facts about the Acrocanthosaurus. Kyle then returned to normal. "So, I can change into a dinosaur whenever and wherever I want to, this is so cool." Said Kyle. "Yes but you have to be careful, if news were to get out you'd be in trouble, especially if Viktor Veloci gets a hold of you." Said Ms. Moynihan. "Why would he care?" Asked Kyle. "Cause he is trying to create a new age of the dinosaurs." Said Fiona.

Meanwhile Viktor was plotting how to lure out all the Perfect Dinosaurs that made up the Dino Squad as well as the new dinosaur mutant that the scanners detected. "Send the new batch of Primordial Ooze to the Zoo, if a Mutant Lion, Tiger, and Leopard don't draw them out then I don't know what will." Said Viktor. The henchmen nodded and sent the brand new Zoo Food to the Kitery Point zoo.

Back at the lighthouse Kyle was getting used to running and walking in his new body as well as training to fight in his new body. "Nice work Kyle, you're getting good at this, especially for being new to this form." Said Max since he was training Kyle being the largest of the carnivores Dino Squad members. "Thanks Max, and this telepathic communication is both weird and cool." Said Kyle. "I know right." Said Max. Both of them then changed from their Dino Forms back to human. "So I'm guessing this is permanent?" Asked Kyle. "Yes, as far as we know, there is no way to reverse the effects." Said Ms. Moynihan. Kyle smiled happily. "Yes, I didn't want to lose this gift." Said Kyle as he started stretching when he was tackled by Rump. "Oh, right Kyle this is Rump, our Dino Dog." Said Fiona. Rump then went Dino and Kyle was a little shocked. "Cool, he looks like a Tyrannosaurus Head." Said Kyle as he stood back up and prepared to head home.

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