Chapter 2

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Kyle ran back to his house and went straight to his room ignoring his parents asking about where he'd been, why he was soaking wet, and how his day had been. He went to his room and connected his camera to his computer and started transferring the three photos he had taken before and printing them. He then started looking over each individual photo. The first one just had the Giant Plesiosaur in it, the second had the Spinosaurus, and the last one had the two dinosaurs fighting. "If these don't get me an A in Ms Moynihan's class, I don't know what will." Said Kyle. He started making a copy of each photo, while doing this, he didn't noticed that a huge long black tail broke through his pants. "I gotta show Fiona first, she'll never believe that I saw two real dinosaurs." Said Kyle as he picked up his phone.

Meanwhile in Viktor Veloci's base Raptordine, Viktor was seen visibly angry about losing his mutated Plesiosaur to the Dino Squad. "Grr, why can't they just stay out of my way." Snarled Veloci. "Dr. Veloci, we think something else was infected with the ooze, we're getting a small signal from Kitery Point, it's faint though so we can't get a precise location and it keeps flickering in and out." Said one of his henchmen. "Thank you for the update." Said Veloci. He then looked at his map of Kitery Point and more specifically of the location that the signal is coming from.

The next day Kyle was taking the copied photos to school to show Fiona. "Hey Fiona, where are you." Caller Kyle. He then saw Fiona talking to Ms. Moynihan. "Perfect, I can show them both at once." Said Kyle as he ran over. "Ms Moynihan, Fiona, I need to show you both something amazing." Said Kyle. "What is it Kyle?" Asked Ms. Moynihan. Kyle then explained what happened yesterday and handed them both the three photos. "I even have my own copies of the photos." Said Kyle. "Kyle these are impressive, but how do you know they were ... she stopped when she noticed he had a dinosaur claw. "Hurry into the classroom now." Said Ms. Moynihan. She and Fiona brought Kyle into the classroom. "Kyle you need to listen very closely, you've been infected with Primordial Ooze, just like Fiona and her friends, so now you have a huge secret to keep." Said Ms. Moynihan. "What are you talking about?" Asked Kyle. Fiona sighed. "Just don't scream." Said Fiona before she went Dino then and there right in front of Kyle. When he saw that she was a Spinosaurus he panicked and backed away scared.

"Kyle it's still Fiona, and you are one as well, you just haven't noticed yet somehow." Said Ms. Moynihan as she held his claw hand up. When Kyle saw this he passed out unconscious. "Great, Fiona, I'm giving you and the others an assignment, take him to the Lighthouse and keep him safe." Said Ms. Moynihan. Fiona nodded and picked Kyle up in her arms before sneaking out the back entrance and taking him to her car. She called Max, Rodger, Caruso, and Buzz telling them to meet her at the Lighthouse on the Raptor Cycles before she drove off. When she arrived she brought Kyle inside and laid him in the couch. Just then the rest of the gang arrived and saw Kyle. "He was infected, wasn't he." Said Buzz. "Yes, and he's just like us, only parts of him are changing right now, so he might be able to join us on our missions once Ms. Moynihan explains everything, and he knows about me." Said Fiona. They all sighed and waited for Kyle to wake up.

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