Around her comes a figure, it's a man. He's tall, wearing a long trench coat. Just from his wardrobe I instantly knew who it was, King Yount. His tall stature makes me and Irene feel like dwarfs.

"She can't talk. I silenced her." He said his hands roaming over her short, dark hair. "She's a screamer, this one." I didn't know what to say, or do. I can't stop him from doing anything, he's way stronger than I am.

"What do you want with her? I thought we had a deal, I would wake up the First Power, and you would leave everyone I love alone." His head swiftly looks at me, those beady eyes carve in my face.

"We did, but now things have changed. Not after what you done." He moves his hands away from Irene, she lets out a huge breath. I have no idea what he's talking about, I haven't done anything. That I know of.

"What I- what are you talking about. I'm confused." He leaves Irene's side and comes up close to me. His breath breathes on my hair. It moves my curls ever so gently.

"Your boyfriend's pack attacked my Kingdom. They killed most of my guards. I NEEDED those guards and now they lay dead."

"I- I don't know anything about that."

"You must have told people about our deal. About you waking up the First Power."

"I didn't I swear."

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" His voice booms, sending bitter chills through me and Irene. I see new tears trickling down her face. The only person I told was. . .Lyra. But Lyra hasn't talked to anyone around this kind of stuff ever. I never told my grandpa nor Alexander. The only thing my grandpa knows is that I talked to Piper, but he doesn't know what about.

"I'M NOT! Please, leave her alone. She's innocent." I tell him pleading to save her.

"She was, until you messed up. Now, I have to do something I don't want to do." I know exactly what he's talking about. I don't want to say it, it may come true. "I mean, your boyfriend did kill my daughter. This is simply revenge."

Irene looks at me, scared of losing her life. "Don't worry Irene."

"You should Irene." He says her name in a mocking tone. "You should be very afraid."

"Stop this, you don't have to do it. You have my word, I'm loyal." I get on my knees, pleading with him. Trying to force some humanity in his lifeless soul.

"You're not. From me doing this will whip everything into shape." Quickly, his big hand reaches into Irene's chest. A loud gasp leaves her mouth, it's the most noise she's made all day. Her eyes are widening, shocked by the mystery guys hand in her chest. He lets out a grunt, trying to maneuver around in her.

"What the hell are you doing? Stop!" I scream at him. Horror filling up my throat, letting my words come out all wonky.

"Sorry, can't." Quicker than the breath that escaped my lungs, Irene's heart was now in his hands. A few beats came from it, then it stopped. Blood dripped on the hardwood floors, seeping into the cracks. Her head turn towards mine, eyes fill with fear and sorrow. She drops to her knees, and her body then falls over. I see the life, the wonder, the hope leave her eyes.

"What did you do." I whisper through the whimpers.

"Don't blame me, you forced me to do this." He trudges towards me, the heart that was once in Irene's chest still held in his cold hands. The free hand grabs my face, blood is now dripping down the nape of my neck. "Now this is what happens when people cross me. Your still waking up The First Power for me, someone will be coming for you on Wednesday, be ready." His grip leaves my face, I move my jaw around.

Quinn's Lotus (Quinns Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now