Naruto grins in return, "I hope he realizes." He said in a severe yet playful manner. Hinata giggles like the sound of chiming bells. Her gaze reads his cheery face. He is the same boy who defended her from those bullies years ago because he doesn't want anyone to be conflicted with hate. He was one of them. Hinata truly admires his heart of gold; that is why she has feelings for him.

"A time where we'll go back to those days." Naruto let his words swift in thin air.

Hinata reaches out to gently grasps his hand into a comforting grip. "There is hope."

The black sky shows the beauty of the full moon and heavenward stars glittering.

Her silky, dark mane falls past her waist. Misa feels delighted to wear loose clothes that Sasuke gave her. She then unties the headband around her neck to place it on a wooden nightstand bed. The candle brings light to show the cozy bedroom. Misa assumes that Sasuke likes to keep things tidy and organized, considering the place is spotless.

Suddenly, a knock came from the door. "It's me, Misa," Sasuke said. "You can come in!" The beauty allows him, and he enters the bedroom. He is dressed in his sleepwear with a towel over his dripping head because he just showered. Misa puffed out her cheeks and started giggling. Sasuke hears it when he walks in. "What is it?" He inquired and shut the door. She stops her laughter, "You look so cute." Misa commented merrily.

Quirking a brow, how is Uchiha Sasuke cute?

But the girl clears up his confusion. "I've never seen you be less stoic. Right now, you are being calm and collected in your pajamas and no brooding face." The petite girl skips her feet up and grabs his hand. She wants to help dry his hair. Sasuke approves of it. He takes a seat on the bed as Misa rubs his raven head with the fluffy towel. "So you're saying I am not nice." He put on a grin and brought up his impolite behavior. Misa elaborates, "To be frank, you are ill-mannered at times, but only when you need to." She expressed her words in all honesty.

About a minute, she finishes drying his hair and puts down the towel over Sasuke's shoulders. His luscious locks frame his aristocratic-like face. However, he was showing a negative emotion. "Do you think my arrogance is discomforting?" Sasuke stares deeply into her stunning gaze that can put him into a trance. He was pretty concerned because Misa is right about him as a cold, distant person. She also didn't expect him to open up because he is secretly an introvert.

The Uchiha feels his face dig into a mild touch with delicate fingers. Misa's facial expression softens, "It does not bother me. We all have flaws, but we are lucky enough to find people that are willing to accept them." She gives in a virtuous statement. Sasuke feels warmth overlapping his chest. He outstretched his arms and envelopes them around Misa's tiny waist. He buries his nose onto her flat, covered stomach. "Flaws, huh. I have several." Sasuke's voice muffles with a hint of playfulness.

Misa curved a tender smile and stated, "Your imperfections are marks of authenticity." Her fingers pet his dark hair. Sasuke pulls his face away and looks up at the beauty of the night. An elegant angel with sophisticated philosophies. Soon they began to take some shuteye. On the first night, Misa was comfy in the bed while Sasuke slept on the floor. But now, she feels like a burden and wants to switch places. Sasuke refused her suggestion by altering it. "You don't mind sharing the bed?" When he asked her, his usual impassive demeanor is gone. The avenger is acting like a bashful coward.

Sasuke noticed Misa's face is blushing crimson.

"I-I g-guess we could." She timidly rubs her arm. Her nervous stuttering has returned. Sasuke pursued his lips before speaking. "Are you sure?" He asked again to make sure she is comfortable with it. Misa didn't hesitate to nod her head as a reply. She sees Sasuke lying down on the bed first. Not to mention, he left a space for her which was kind of him. She blew out the candle before getting under the covers. Taking a deep breath, Misa shyly joins Sasuke. Except they have their backs facing each other as if a barrier is in between them.

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