(7) Family Breakfast Week

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Two weeks later 

It was Family Breakfast week at the school. It was Monday morning when Everleigh came in all ready for Grandparents Day. Winnie and James was on either side of the pigtailed clad Everleigh. Winnie took a picture of them eating with her and sent it to Bucky who got to sleep in.

He saw it when he got up for work it was an EMT shift day. He grabbed himself a biscuit and a coffee before heading to the EMT garage and picking up Alex for their shift. 

The next day was muffins with mom, Everleigh didn't know why all the other kids were going to the cafeteria. She peeked in and she saw all the other kids they were with their moms. She went back to the classroom and began to cry in the corner. Ashlynn was writing letters on the board when she heard her. 

Ashlynn walked over to her and sat beside. 

"Hey sweetheart what's wrong?" She said 

Everleigh looked up with tears falling down her face. She took Ashlynn by the hand and pulled her to the cafeteria and pointed at the cafeteria. She squatted down and "Where is your mama?" 

"I want to go home Ms Ashlynn." She said as she looked down. 

Ashlynn sighed as she walked her back to the classroom. Everleigh was quiet the rest of the day and kept to herself. She didn't even want to play with her friends that she had made. Bucky noticed it when he picked her up. He was going to ask Ashlynn if something happened but she was talking to another teacher. 

The next day was Donuts with Dad, as he was saying goodbye. Ashlynn came over to him. 

"Hey I was wondering if you had time after school to talk about her." She said as Everleigh walked away 

"Uh yeah..I was needing to talk to you anyways." He said 

"Okay, see you later." She said 

"See you later." He said 

Later that day, Bucky came into the classroom he seen Everleigh coloring. Ashlynn pulled a adult chair up next to her desk. 

"I need to ask you a question Mr Barnes." She said 

"You can call me James, and what is this question?" He said 

"What's the story with her mom? Yesterday she wanted me to call you to pick her up after she saw all the other kids eating with their moms. And anytime mothers get mentioned she shuts down." She said 

Bucky looked over at where she is at and back to Ashlynn. 

"A week before I came home from my last deployment. Her mother was in a tragic car accident she wasn't in the car. It all happened two years ago a guy was to busy looking for his phone and hit Sarah. Everleigh shut down, she was quiet and kept to herself." He said 

Ashlynn looked down.

"So now anytime Sarah is mentioned or I'm guessing like yesterday she shuts down. Her grandparents on her mother's side. They want nothing to do with her." He said 

Ashlynn bit her lip. 

"You know I have some time outside of school. She just needs a little one on one time with a woman she trusts." She said 

"She has days where she goes out with her aunt and her girl cousins. Sometimes mom joins them." He said 

"I mean one on one time where the focus is solely on her. I can do that if you are okay with that. Spend some time with her." She said 

"Okay." He said 

She smiled at him. "Um Ashlynn..I was also wanting to talk to you about something else." He said 

"What's that?" She said 

"Have dinner with me?" He said 

She looked at him. "I um sure yeah." She said 

"Friday night sound good to you?" He said 

"Yeah Friday sounds good." She said as they both stood up. 

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