(1) Everything Was Perfect

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Two years ago..

"Okay Everleigh, mama will see you in a few days. You are going to stay with Gigi and Poppa so mama can pack." Sarah Barnes said 

"Otay mama." Everleigh Barnes said 

"Call me if you need anything Winnie. I'm going to go take a peak at the house before I hit the road." Sarah said with a smile. 

"It's going to be so good to have you all just down the road Sarah. The house you and Buchanan designed looks amazing." Winnie said 

Sarah smiled at her mother in law. "I know, I'm so excited to be moving when he comes home next weekend. We even decided to start trying for baby #2 give her a baby brother or sister..or both." She said 

"Aww more grandbabies. I can't wait." Winnie said 

"Alright I'll see you all later love you all." Sarah said as she stepped off the porch and headed back towards her car. 

Sarah drove up the road to the house that her and Bucky had designed and built. It was completely done. She had all new furniture put in and her sister had done all the interior design. As she was unlocking the door her phone buzzed. 

She smiled when she saw it was Bucky video calling. 

"Hey gorgeous." He said with a big smile. 

"Hey you. I'm glad you called I'm here at the house looking at all the last minute stuff." She said 

"Awesome. I can't wait to be home and living in that house. Starting our next chapter darlin." He said as she sat on the stairs. 

"I can't wait either." She said 

"Follow through on all the promises I made you on our wedding day six years ago." He said 

She smiled so big. "You've already followed through James." She said 

"Baby I've been gone two years. I had to leave when our girl was three months. Speaking of where is she?" He said 

"At your parents. She is going to stay there while I pack so we don't have so much to do when you come home next weekend." She said 

He smiled at her. "Don't do to much baby. But they are telling me to wrap it up. So I love you both and just seven more days baby." He said 

"We love you. Be safe." She said as she blew him a kiss. 

"I will baby." He said as he blew her one back. 

She walked around the house one last time before locking it back up. As she was getting in her car she noticed that Everleigh left her favorite blanket and army bear in the backseat. On her way back down the road of the Barnes Plantation she stopped back by Winnie and James' house. 

Winnie met her on the porch. "Everything okay?" Winnie said 

"Yeah but you were going to have a terrible time getting her to sleep without these." She said as she handed them to Winnie. 

"Thank you Sarah." Winnie said 

Sarah left her in laws and headed back into town. She noticed her gas tank was low and decided to get gas. As she was crossing the intersection, a car was coming down the road the person was to busy fumbling for the phone he had dropped and took his eyes off the road. He slammed into Sarah's car on her side causing her car to flip once and was hit again when her landed in the opposite lane. 

The first responders came on to the scene. Steve and Clint were the first officers on the scene, Sam pulled in with Bucky's two older brothers Nathaniel and Aaron. Steve walked over to them 

"You all may want to sit this one out and call in another rig that isn't family." Steve said 

They looked at him confused and walked over to the car. Nate and Aaron fell to their knees when they saw their sister in law. Sam called James who was the fire chief to send another rig. It didn't take long before another set of fire fighters and EMTs arrived. Not only that but James rushed on to the scene. 

The hospital waiting room was filled with The Barnes and Sarah's family. James was pacing while holding a yellow sticky note that sticky note was the emergency Red Cross messaging number to get ahold of Bucky. 

A nurse came out Mr Barnes you may want to go ahead and get your son on the phone. Dr Burkhart is about to come talk to you. James called the number and his CO was able to get Bucky. 

"Hello.." he said 

"Son.." James said 

"Dad? How did you get this number?" He said 

"There's been a accident." James said 

"Accident? Whose been in an accident?" He said 

"Sarah..here's the doctor now." James said as Dr Burkhart joined the family. 

He began to tell them that in the two hours that they have been waiting Sarah hasn't had any brain activity. The impact of the crash also paralyzed her from the waist down. Bucky fell to his knees as he cried holding the phone. 

"This can't be real, this can't be happening. I'm the one over here fighting for my country having bombs going off around me and bullets flying at me. And it should be me not her." He said 

"Mr Barnes I know this isn't the best time to ask but do you know what your wife's wishes are?" Dr Burkhart said 

"Everything was perfect, I'm suppose to come home next weekend. We were suppose to move into our house." Bucky whispered into the phone. 

"Son they need a answer." James said 

"I don't know! We never talked about that! And where is my daughter please tell she is okay." He said 

"Evie is fine she was with your mother. Currently she is with your grandmother." James said 

"Can you keep her on life support till I get home next Saturday?" Bucky said

"Yes we can. You are her husband you are allowed to make that decision." Dr Burkhart said 

"Are you serious? James she is already gone let my daughter go in peace." Carla said 

"My son deserves a proper goodbye. We all loved Sarah but he is her husband and he deserves to be here to say goodbye in person." James said 

Carla and her husband Henry rolled their eyes. "With all due respect he is her husband he's allowed to make that decision." Dr Burkhart said 

"Whatever. I don't see what the good in this is. Our daughter is gone she is 25 years old and she's gone." Henry said as he and Carla left. 

Bucky hung up the phone and went back to the barracks where he cried himself to sleep. 

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