Chapter 12: Training camp (part 2)

Start from the beginning

The villain jumped at them, and Percy dodged with ease, bringing Kota with him. Thankfully, Izuku had done so as well.

Percy gave Kota to Izuku and drew Riptide, then slashed at the villain's arm. The villain smirked. "My muscle is too dense to be cu-"

The exposed muscle dripped blood. The villain shrieked, probably more in shock and less in pain. Percy smiled. Celestial bronze must have worked on him since this was Hecate's personal dimension. Percy dumped water on himself then got ready to fight once more.

The blond villain lunged at him, completely forgetting about Izuku. Percy went back and forth with the villain for a while. Percy was so thankful he had doused himself, since the villain was extremely fast.

Izuku had placed Kota in a safe and hidden spot next to the fight, and ran back to Percy. Just as the villain almost got a lucky hit, Izuku came and lunged at the villain. The villain smiled. "At least my muscle works against this brat."

He swiveled and punched Izuku, making him fly back. Percy had already taken this opportunity to go to Kota and heal him of any bruises he had, while reassuring him. Percy looked to the place where Izuku was. 'Crap. I can't leave him alone for more than a minute, huh?'

Kota lunged out of Percy's grasp. "Water Hose... Papa... Mama... Did you hurt them like that, too, before you killed them?"

Percy pushed himself in front of Kota. He'd have to talk to him about common sense, since he didn't seem to have any. Percy controlled the villain's cells, a hard task since the larger amount of cells needed a higher concentration.

Percy used Riptide to get in a few hits, making the villain shout in pain. Percy released him, and the villain went barreling at him. Percy lunged towards him as well, using a martial arts trick he learned to redirect his attack towards the ground.

Izuku lunged towards him with 100% of full cowling. The villain slammed into a wall, but Percy didn't let down his guard. He didn't know if the dude could get back up. To Izuku's obvious surprise, he did.

He ran at Izuku with his muscles wrapping around him, and punched him, but not without retribution from Izuku. Izuku was using his broken arm to punch him back.

Percy jumped and landed on the man's head. He held his sword against his neck, and since the villain knew what the sword was capable of, he tensed. This allowed Izuku enough time to use 1000% of One for All. The villain smashed against the wall with enough force to level a small mountain.

The villain slowly got back up. Now Izuku looked shocked, and was trembling. The blond man raced over to Kota and pushed him onto the ground. "I'll kill this kid if you don't let me kill you."

Percy watched Kota tremble in fear, and something snapped in him. Percy glared at the blond man, and brought tons and tons of gallons of water above him. Izuku had told him at a later time that his eyes glowed green, but darker than the color his healing water normally glowed.

He launched the water towards the villain with enough force to completely crush a reinforced fighter jet. The man looked like he wouldn't be able to fight anyone for a very long time.

Izuku, who was swaying, looked back at Kota. "Sorry about your parents, Kota. They ended up leaving you behind, but there were many lives saved because of what happened to them."

Percy ran over to stable Izuku, and quickly healed him. Once he finished, he glanced at Kota. "I had a friend named Charles Beckendorf... he was incredible, and sacrificed himself to take down a ship full of dangerous villains. I regret his death every day, but he ended up saving more lives than he ever knew of."

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