"Stop lying"I laughed it off.

"I'm serious mom. He said that he knew you wouldn't believe it. He said to ask you who's that man you were with."

"I wasn't with a man"I went into my room putting on some bell bottom jeans and a brown shirt.

"He said he knew you would lie. That's why he was coming back"

"This isn't fucking funny Leo". I grew frustrated.

I don't know why he thought a lie like this would be funny or even a smile would pop up on my face.

"Why did you bring pizza. I told you-"

"Mom you're not listening to me. Dad brought it."

"No he didn't."I opened the door locking all the doors and walking back to the car.

"Your gardener is here"

"What?"I didn't understand what he said

"Your gardener. He was plucking the dandelions in your garden. Wearing all black. He's light brown and his hair was in a beanie but he looked like he had dreads. Don't tell me you have like a stalker or something"he laughed and my face turned ghost white.

"Nooo definitely not"

It wasn't funny anymore actually.

She locked all the doors like I don't know how to unlock them back. How dumb.

After a few minutes my son actually just unlocked it. I guess Dani didn't tell him the whole don't trust strangers.

Her house was lovely actually. It had 4 pictures of her and my son 2 of just my son. And 2 of her and some lady. Probably her friends unless she turned lesbian.

"What's your actual hair color"I leaned over the counter looking at my son


"Hmm. Why you pick brown and green"

"To match Ben 10."

"You're 5 now." I shot a look at him

"Yeah I am. But mom won't let me change it"

"That man she's with. You ever seen her touch him"

"Sometimes" he went into the refrigerator


"When they drink. He'll come over and they'll be on the couch."

"She drinks in front of you?"

"No but sometimes he comes unexpectedly and they drink together"

"She ever kiss him before"

"No. Not in front me"

"Hmmm"i nodded grabbing my keys.

"Your leaving?"

"Yeah we're going to get hair dye"


"Is mom here though?"a smirk appeared on my face. I already know she's about to get pissed.

Can't wait.

"What color do you want"


I grabbed black and brown and bleach to get the color off.

We got home after getting ice cream and I replaced the green dye with brown and mixed brown and black together.

"Do you like it?"I said after he walked into the living room when he got done washing it.

He ran up to me hugging me tightly.

"I love you"he whispered in high caught me off guard.

"I love you more. I missed you Leo"

"I missed you more dad"

"How do you know me so well if Weber never met"

"Mom talks about you everyday. We even celebrate your birthday"

Speaking of mom she walked through the door with the same man from earlier.

She let out a nervous laugh and turned red like a tomato.

"Who's that?" The man behind her said

"My...my uhm."

"Sons father. I'm Ace. And you are?"

"Tristen"they shook hands.

"What did you do to my sons hair"

"Don't worry about that. We have company"

"Ugh you-" she stopped herself and politely somewhat told tanner to leave.

"I like his hair"

"You just come in my house. No warnings. No nothing. And just fuck everything up"

"It's hair"

"But you didn't tell me anything. 5 years you didn't- I mean you could've texted me and told me you were dying his hair. But no."

"This isn't about hair is it?"


"You been working out huh?"it was poking out from the sides.

"Stop changing the subject Ace."

"You're so cute when you get mad dandelion"

"No" She stormed off to her room.

"Your mom still acts like a 17 year old"

"I know"he agreed making me laugh.

I walked into her room sitting on her bed while she took her hair down.

"Get out my house Ace."

"Why? You think about me everyday. You even celebrate my birthday. You love me"

"Who told you those lies"she scoffed.

I grabbed her neck kissing her into she eventually gave in and gave me a kiss back.

"I don't want to fall in love with you again and then you leave me. Your broke your promise and I can't forget that."

"I was busy. I really was". No cause I actually was being brutally beaten and stomped on until Roman saved me and my dad died of a heart attack a few days ago but it's not like I'm going to tell her that.

"I know but not even a call"she returned the kiss

"Dani..."i tugged on her shirt and she smiled wide nodded yes.

"You forgive me?"

"Maybe. If you do a good job I will"

"You're funny"I fake laughed.

Dandelions are just friendly little weeds who only want to be loved like flowers

You have now finished a downtownlol original

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