Chapter 3

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I was walking around the area looking for my damn car I could hear it but not see it. I fucking hate when this happens like damn. Frustrating.

In the glimpse of my eye I saw miss red head entering the shops.

I sped walked back into the store looking for her then I realized I had to look down not up because she's 5'0 even. I know this because she's at my belly button and I'm 6'4.

"Dani."i huffed looking at her do the thing where she pushes the cart with her head and then hop on it as it speeds down the aisle

"Wee"she giggled.

"Dani.."I said again and this time she heard me

"Fine man"her eyes widened

"Oh yeah I never told you my name"

"Nope."she shook her head no

"I came to apologize.."

"We can't talk in public"she mumbled walking away

"Nobody's watching"

"How do you know"

"It's a thing a sensory issue. Never mind let's just go to my car"

I could've just said"I'm sorry for touching you and getting you in trouble" but she wanted to be out of public eye. She knew I would ask to go to the horny grade 6.


"Where is your car"she skipped around the parking lot that was dark so I made sure to follow her. Such a gentleman. Everybody clap it up for Ace. He's such a gentleman

This time my car wasn't outside in the street because I didn't want to be seen especially with this war going on.

"Woah you're rich"she exclaimed getting her hand prints all on my mirror,window,dash

"Dani stop touching shit"I grabbed her hand making her breath hitch

"You're hands are so.."her dimples deepened but she tried to hide it.

"So. What happened when you came home that day"

"Nothing much"she shrugged lying

"Come on..just tell me"

"My dad slapped me but he always does that. And it doesn't hurt as much..and he said I couldn't eat dinner but that was cool cause he cooked and I hate when he cooks"she laughed

"You have a pretty smile"i mumbled leaning closer to her lips..

"I'm sorry for touching you in public. I owe you"I continued talking getting closer and closer to her

I grabbed her neck slowly and kissed her lips making her giggle and attach closer to me.

"What's funny"I pulled away from her and she smiled hopping on top of me and taking off her school uniform.

"Woah woah girl what are you doing"I pushed her off of my print

"I'm a virgin. I want sex. You're a man. You just kissed me. You said you owe me. So fuck me. Like right right now"

"In the car?"

"Yeah! I only have..30 minutes."

"Virgins don't last long"

"Okay"she huffed taking off her skirt.

"Okay..okay I'm ready"she said nervously waving her hands up and down.

"Before I do this. I cannot give you children. I cannot marry you."I said tying her head up.

"Okay I don't want that either."

"And I can't be your boyfriend."

"Okay. Fuck me"she ignored everything I said.

"Calm down first"i laughed

She rested her head in my shoulder and calmed down her breathing and my hand went up her skirt making her tense up

"You okay"i said lowly

"Yes it's just that I never been touched"

"So you never masturbated before..?"

"Yeah because I was scared"

"You don't have to be scared with me"I pulled her panties to the side.

"You like that?"he said going around in circles with 2 fingers

"I like your voice" I said then gasped when he entered me.

"You gotta calm down or you won't feel anything good"

"I am calming down"

"No you're not Dani"

"What's your name."



"Fuck no"

"Give me a hint"




"Why would your mom name you queen"

"Don't have a mom and she didn't"

"Then what is it"

"It's more cards then queen and king"



"Ace...that's moanable"

"The fuck"he laughed

"Okay I don't like this"I said getting off him

"Told you to relax"

"I can't" I said irritated then he lit up a cigarette.

"You can't smoke that while I'm in the car"

"Then get out"he laughed

"But"tears filled my eyes

"I can't fuck you if you've never even fucked yourself before. You not ready and I can't force you to be ready"he said nonchalantly

"Ugh you bitch"I wiped the fake tears and got out the car.

"You should be a actress"he laughed as I walked out the parking lot.

Whatever. That bitch. I am ready.

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