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"What's a porn website, "I thought to myself clicking on the phone

"P..O..R...N" I typed the words in the phone and pressed a link

"I know you want it...juicy and wet-" some Russian bitch said

"Ew yuck no"I threw the phone on the pillow next to me then picked it back up.

I was scrolling for hours and hours on end looking at the weirdest things. Did you know people shit in other people's mouths? A man licked his know.

"You've been going at it for 4 hours." a text popped up making me turn red

"Ewww what are you watching" another text popped up making me turn even redder and I logged out and deleted the history and turned off the phone in embarrassment.

"Answer me, baby girl? You didn't have enough from 5 hours ago?"I read it out loud when it buzzed

"I did. Trust me I did"I texted back

"Then go to sleep"

"Tomorrow can you help me with my math homework"


"Okay then I won't text you ever again"

"I'll fuck the shit out of you" he sent back and I put the phone down and went to sleep.

Wait. I can download an app and now I can watch anime whenever I want. I grabbed the phone and went to the App Store I'm pretty good at this phone stuff but anyways I downloaded Crunchyroll and waited until it downloaded which took like 2 seconds.

I stayed up all night watching show after show non-stop until the sun hit my eye

"Time for school" my mom screamed from downstairs.

"After school around 2:45 come meet me" I read on my way to school.

"Reply back." he texted again


"Say something else"

"I'm wearing school uniform"

"I know you are."

"No, you don't" I fixed my hair

"Yes, I do. You just touched your hair" he texted back making me stand up straight and look around. Not a single car..person...building in site. Just a few houses and a sidewalk

I don't like when he does that. It's scary.

I looked back to my phone and read "look to the side"

I looked over to the side and saw a dandelion and started walking faster stuffing the phone in my pocket ignoring the beeps.


"I'm bored Ace"

"I'm gonna make a nickname for you Ace"

"Ace respond to me" I texted him while at lunch because I was tired of being alone eating my sandwich.

"I never understood why I never made friends."

"I talk a lot in classes and people find me funny but nobody talks to me."

"I see groups of friends together and I get so sad."
"I see boys that I find cute go out with girls who look nothing like me and it makes me sad"

"Sorry for rambling" I typed and the three dots popped up

"Dude shut up I'm getting my dick sucked" he texted back and a tear fell down my face.


"Why would you text her that Roman"

"Bitch pouring her heart out to you" she laughed looking at the text

"Because she talks so fucking much you gotta tone her out."

"Aww how sweet"

"Oh kill yourself and get out of my room and put some clothes on"

"You were just nutting in me so shut up bitch"

"Get out of my room" I snatched my phone.

Why does she talk so fucking much is the real question here. Does she not talk at home? Is she lonely at home?

After I took my nap it was 2:39 so I got dressed and headed to the mall. The real reason I am there is to sell surprisingly lots of old niggas love drugs and shit and the workers at the mall be coming to get they dose too. I get at least 500 thousand every time I go to the mall.

My phone alerted and it said she was near so I waited in the alley for her.

"Hey Ace"she mumbled walking next to me

"Hey Dani"I was gonna tease her but she held her head down low in a sad manner.

"Why are you looking like that" i laughed opening the car door for her and then walked to the other side and got in then started the car up.

"I had sex with my professor and then this girl from my class walked in and then she was gonna tell everybody and she said she told her parents and her parents wanna talk to me now. And then I was mad at you so I fucked him again"

"What did I do?"

"Nothing"she laid her head down on her knees somehow.....she looked like her head was ripped off"

"Mmhm"i nodded grabbing a bag of hot Cheetos and a cigarette from the arm rest

"Can I smoke"I looked over at her and she got out the car

"Aye come back"I said rolling down the window

"Dandelion Michelle Anderson. Get yo ass back in the car. I will show up to your house and you'll regret not listening to me"I cursed and she got back in the car

"You never listen to me. Nobody ever listens to me. And stop child locking the door. Ughhhh I fucking hate it here"she whined avoiding eye contact

I still lit my cigarette though. Fuck she thought this was. She don't make the rules. I do and she has to obey them or face the consequences.

"I do listen to you. You just think everybody owes you something"

"Okay Ace"She rolled her eyes


"Why am I in this car"

"To have sex with me obviously"

"I rather not"

"Your legs are red though? You horny bastard"i laughed making her laugh

"Good girl. Thanks for fixing your attitude"I teased looking at her legs turn even more red.

"If it's so good then why do you fuck other girls"I huffed riding on top of him

"Dude shut up"

"Whatever" I ignored it feeling myself reach climax and got off of him putting my clothes back on.

"Bye Ace"i smiled limping away.


"We'll see" I waved knowing damn well I was going back

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