24 (Claimed)

305 10 6

Title: Fire & Ice

Member: Jung Hoseok

Synopsis: *had the lesser of votes from my mb* There are 3 realms in this universe. The overworld realm for humans. And it's subsequent sibling realms of fire and ice inhabited by the protectors of them and doppelgangers of the overworld. The realm of ice is current;y being lead by the Ice Princess and the realm of fire is lead by the Sun King. After a ripple in the realms, the Ice Princess finds herself thrown through a wormhole into the fire realm with no way out since her parents were away on a long diplomatic meeting. Forced to partner with the Sun King whom she oh so very much dislikes to figure out what's going on and restore universal balance, the pair end up finding out what fate has in store for them. (Note: this one does gender the MC but feel free to switch it as you see fit)


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Thank you and happy writing!

Claimed: @RiRii_v

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