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"Thank you," Emily said as she held the paper to her heart, letting sobs escape her lips.

"You have no idea," Mitch told Julie.

Julie smiled. "My friend Elijah and I write music in the same room that he did, and I can tell you that it's a magical, happy place." The two adults chuckled.

"That's nice to know."

"I know he was only 17 when he -- but he lived doing the one thing he was born to do. Not many people find that, but Luke did. He was so lucky."

Luke poofed away.

Julie smiled. "It was so nice to meet you."

"It was nice to meet you, too," Mitch replied.

Julie left the house and looked for Luke, but he was gone.


Eloise walked into her brother's room and noticed something on his desk.

She picked it up and looked at the words.

Elijah, who'd walked in, said, "I wrote that for you, El."

"Can you sing it to me?" she asked.


"Please? I want to hear it."

Elijah nodded and grabbed his guitar. He strummed a few chords and began singing.

Two Words, One Night

We were always so close
Dancing, strumming, singing
Laughing and pulling pranks
Long nightly talks of our favorite bands

Two words changed it all
One night turned endless
Constantly reliving that night
My other half gone for good

Time seemed to slow
I didn't know how to go on
Every day felt like a chore
A miracle to even get through the day

Two words changed it all
One night turned endless
Constantly reliving that night
My other half gone for good

Life seemed to drone on
Always trying to find hope
To see a way to get through
A way to live with pain and dreams

Two words changed it all
One night turned endless
Constantly reliving that night
My other half gone for good

Two words changed it all
One night turned endless
Constantly reliving that night
My other half gone for good

Two words: She's gone
One night: changed my world

Eloise dried her eyes. "Eli, I'm so sorry I left."

"Me too. I wish you were still here. All I want to do is hug my twin sister."

"What I wouldn't give for a hug."

"By the way, our video is trending on YouTube. So we should be getting calls from managers soon."

"That's great! Eli, there's something I need to tell you."

"Okay, what?"

"We need to do our unfinished business. The boys think for them it's playing at the Orpheum."

"And yours?"

"I don't know what yet."

A jolt sent her back, causing her to slam into the wall.

"Eloise? What was that?" Elijah asked.

"The night we missed the dance, we went to this club. That's where I found the boys. This ghost put a curse on us. We either join his house band for eternity or the jolt destroys us. Forever."

Blue Melodies // Julie and the Phantoms (Reggie Peters)Where stories live. Discover now