♤Chapter 7♤

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Kuroko's POV~

"Suya-chan~I'm back~"...I look at my brother and notice the paper bag that his holding.."What's that?"...He give me the bag and I look at it..When I look at it I saw my favourite vanilla milkshake..I smiled and look at my brother.."Thank you oniichan"..He look at me and crossed his arm.."Tss..You only call me 'oniichan'..when I give you vanilla milkshake"..I just laughed at him and ignored.."childish"

"Did you finish packing your things?"..My brother ask me..I nod at his question..I don't really like talking when I'm eating my vanilla milkshake.."Then..shall we go?"..I just nod and get up from the sofa..He sighed.."You really love vanilla milkshake to the point that you forgot how to speak Suya-chan~"...I ignored my brother and continue to savor my shake..."I'm going to get all your bags now..And you go to car"He said while climbing upstairs...

/Time skipped~At the airport~At there plane/

Koruko's POV~

"Suya-chan~Are you ready?"I look at my brother who's smiling happily to me.."Yeah"...I'm currently sitting beside my brother...I lay down my body in the chair and close my eyes then some memories suddenly flash at my head..

'Kurokochii~'said by a yellow hair boy smiling and running towards me..

'Tetsu wanna play?'ask by a tanned blue hair boy to me..

'I wanna crush you Kuro-chin'said by a giant purple hair boy who's have a snack in both hands..

'Here..you can have this lucky keychain'said by a green haired boy while adjusting he's glasses..

'Tetsuya..let's go?'ask by a red haired boy..who's emitting a dark aura to the other members...

"I can't...I'm leaving now...you don't want me anymore..No..all of you don't need me anymore.."

'Ahh!!..Will you stop popping out of nowhere!!'  said by a red haired boy who's holding a burger in both hands.

"Don't worry it won't happen again"

I open my eyes and notice that there's a tears on my face..I smiled and look in the window..it's already dark.."Suya-chan..you okay?"I look at my brother who's face is worried.."yeah..just remembered some memories"..I said and continue to look at the window.."Your not okay Suya..Your crying while sleeping"...I ignored him and my eyes start to get wet..my tears start to flow.."It will be over soon..Suya"and I cried silently..remembering does memories brings me happiness also sadness that our situation is not the same as before...

"Thank you for those happy memories we all shared...farewell..Generation of Miracles and my light"I whispered,close my eyes and fell asleep..

3rd POV~

It's been a week already and Kuroko is still not going to school..Kagami feel somewhat uneasy.."What happen to him?".."Is he still not get over about what happen?"..."wait..why am I even thinking about him"...Kagami can't focuss in their class because Kuroko keeps occupying his mind..

"Fine!!..I'm going to the principal and ask where the hell are you!!"Kagami said in his mind..That's the only way he could do so that Kuroko would totally gone in his mind..

While Kagami was walking to the principal he notice the rainbow hairs going towards the basketball gym.."w..wait..Isn't that the generation of miracles?..what are they doing here?Are they here for Kuroko?"As soon as they entered the gym..Kagami continued going to the principal's office.

/At the office/

*knock!* *knock!*...Kagami knock at the office door.."Come in"...Kagami went in.."What is it student?"..The principal ask Kagami.."Umm..I'm here to ask about Kuroko Tetsuya..I mean he's not going to our class lately"...The principal look at Kagami and ask a question.."Did your teacher not tell you?"..Kagami was confused"W-what do you mean..sir?"..The principal signed.."Kuroko Tetsuya is not going to this school anymore"...Kagami was shocked and confused.."He..What do you mean he not going to school anymore?Is he sick?"Kagami can't understand why his feeling like this.."No
.he's not sick.."..The pricipal signed and look at Kagami.."He quit this school..and..enrolled somewhere"...Kagami still can't understand he's feeling..the feeling of uneasiness is still there..But he was shocked to know that Kuroko quit the school..."Can I ask where school did he enrolled?"...The principal cleared his throat and answer Kagami's question..

"Sad to say this but..He went to abroad..his brother didn't tell me where to"

"Huh?"..At that time Kagami finally knew why does he feel uneasiness.."Koruko went abroad?"...

To dramatic minna-san?😅Gomenasaii♡♡..But how is it?...Sorry for my wrong grammars..hope you can understand it^_^♡♡Hehehe~..Love lots♡♡And thank you♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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