♤Chapter 6♤

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Kagami's POV~

"Kuroko?"..I stared at the person in the door walk in..."He's tall?..Definitely not Kuroko"..The person walk towards us..He look at Coach Riko.."Is this the team called Seirin?"..He asked smiling...Coach Riko freeze.."Riko snapped!!"...The person has a confused look.."Umm..H-hello?"..He ask coach again.."Ah..I'm s-sorry..what is it again?"..Riko said while stuttering..."I'm asking if this is the team called Seirin?"..Because our coach is stuttering I answered his question.."Yes this is Seirin.."..He looked at me and then smiled..Suddenly my back got shivered.."weird.."..I glared at him and ask"What do you want?"..His smile suddenly fade.."Come on don't look at me like that"..He said then suddenly laugh.."He..he's childish".."I'm just here to return Suya-chan's~..jersey".."S-suya chan?"..He placed the jersey on the bench I look at it.."11?..That's Kuroko's jersey!!"..I look at the person.."Your Kuroko's??"..I asked..He suddenly smiled"Oniichan~!!"..He said happily..I was shocked!!..I look at my teammates and they're also shocked.."Kuroko has a brother?!!."


"Ehhhhhhhhh!!!"..They all screamed..

He smiled and look at us...I noticed Hiruma walk toward us..He look at the person and smirk..."Hiruma Yoichi"...I look at him because he suddenly introduce himself to the person..The person look at him and smiled again.."I guess he loves smiling a lot..".."Kuroko Tetsuno..Nice meeting you"..Hiruma nod at him.."Ah..I need to go now..Bye".."W-wait!!"I stop him and he look at me.."I..I just wanna ask where Kuroko is"..He frowned and look at me seriously.."No need to worry about him...He'll be happy sooner"..He said and walk away.."Huh??..I'm not even a lil bit worried"..."Tss..He walk away just like that"..I scratch the back of my head while preparing for the practice..

"Hah!"..I stop for a second and look at the person who laugh..It's Hiruma.."What's with him?"..I'm starting to think whether he's crazy or not...I signed and ignore him then I get the ball and do some dribbles..

3rd POV~

While Kagami was dribbling..Hiruma was observing him from the bench..."He jumps higher.."..."Favorite style..DUNK"...Hiruma signed.."This was not supposed to happen"...He get up from his seat and get a ball...He positioned himself in the 3 point center..He can feel the eyes that was looking at him...He signed and shoot the ball..and it went in perfectly.."This feels boring"..

"Woah!!..That was cool"


Even though he was being praised he still feels boring.."Tss"..Hiruma look who hiss and it was Kagami.."What's wrong with him?"...

Kagami is kinda pissed right now..Indeed he was kinda amazed how Hiruma shoot the ball...but his mad because he feels like Hiruma is not taking the practice seriously..like he does not like playing basketball.."He's totally different from Kuroko".."wait..Why am I even comparing them!!"..Kagami asked himself.."Ayysshh!!..Let's just focus to practice!!"..

Unknown Person's POV~

"For real?!!That bastard would-"..He said while grabbing both of my face..I didn't let him finish his word and just answer..


"Then does that mean he'll play with us again?!!"..The other one asked while jumping and smiling really happy..

"Ayyshh!!..For f*cks sake how many time do I have to tell that he's coming!!"..I yelled at them cause my patience have reach it's limit already..


"Pfft..he totally snapped"

"Shut up!!..You crazy people!!"

I glared at him and he suddenly do a fake cough.."brats!!"..I understand while their acting like this but..they should totally stop..I mean..if your on my situation you'll pretend you don't know them and leave..just think of it..Where in a mall then just because I told them a good news..The one would jump and jump asking me if I'm telling the truth..and the other one grabbing both my face and look at me seriously and asked if I'm not joking..Also the other was smiling in the corner and the other one is also in the corner facing the wall and look depressed I also think he's praying.."this idiot's!!"...People would totally look at us thinking we're crazy!!.."God help me!!..I want to run away from them!!!"..I signed as a sign of defeat and look at the ceiling then smiled.."Finally"

"We'll wait for you-"

"Ara~he said we're crazy but look at him..smiling looking at ceiling..Hahaha-"

"You'll pay for all we buy today"..He suddenly stop laughing..


They all laugh at him...I look and I saw him talking to his wallet..probably having a farewell talk with his money.."idiot"...

Who??°○°♡♡..Hehehe..How was it minna-san♡♡..I hope I don't have many mistakes..Gomenasai~♡♡..Thank you minna♡and Love lots♡♡

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