♤Chapter 1♤

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Kuroko's POV~

"Mhmm~"...(yawn~)I open my eyes looking at the ceiling and then I look at my clock and-!!!..."Ahhh!!!"..I was totally shocked when I look at my alarm clock and the time is already 6:53am..."I'm late!!!"..As soon as I knew that I'm gonna be late I ran fast towards the bathroom..And do a quick wash..I'm hungry but I really don't want to be late.."I'll be late already!!..I'll just eat in the room then!!"..While running so fast towards the academy I suddenly realize that.

It's been a months already since I started being a regular member of Seirin Basketball Team...I enjoy it a lot spending time with them...So I'm looking forward to this day!!..

/At the Academy/

Kuroko's POV~

It's a good thing that I was forgiven for being late..I mean it's not my fault right?..it's the alarm clocks fault for not waking me up...After an eternal years of waiting for my class to finished finally!!..."Aughhh!!"..(stretching~)...Finally finished...Oww..wait..where's Kagami??...When the class was starting I haven't seen him..So I thought maybe his in the gym..After all he's a basketball addict...So I rush towards the gym...

"You know we don't need Kuroko right?"


Huh?..Am I hearing it right?..I don't intend to listen to what their talking about but I want to confirm it...They're maybe just kidding right?..M-maybe it's just a joke or I'm just miss hearing...So I stay from where am I and listen to what they're talking..

"We don't need him anymore Riko!..He's indeed a hard working player but there's  no improvement at all!!.."

"Junpei!!!"..."No matter what you say Kuroko is still one of us.."

So...It's really true...I know I'm weak but there's a reason to it...I can't just-...Hearing them talking behind my back like that I feel really really awful..."This brings me back those memories"...After I hear those things I want to quit but I love playing basketball...I can't quit!!...I still have my Light.. Kagam-

"Why not tell him to quit then"

I haven't finish my thoughts because I heard someone special to me say that thing..."Just tell him that we don't need him anymore...I don't need him anymore.."...And it suddenly hit me..That it was my light who is saying those harsh words.."I-I thought your different"...I was talking to myself quietly..I still can't believe he's the one who's saying those things..Kagami..your no different from them..I suddenly notice my tears are flowing...It hurts..I can't take it anymore..

"Kagami!!!..He's your shadow!!..how can you!!..you idiot!!!"

"Coach..We know you also want Kuroko to leave the team right?"

"I....He's still a part of our team!!.."

"But he's so damn weak!!..He can't even do a shot!..All he did was passing..everyone can do passing!!"

I can't take it anymore!!..It hurts so much already!!..I leave the gym quietly and start walking...My tears won't stop flowing...And the pain in my chest..I thought they're different...I thought they're someone I can trust...I sighed cause I remember this kind of feeling again...it's just that this hurts more than the past...And it suddenly came to my minde.."Should I stop playing?"

☆I'm sorry if I have any wrong grammars minna-san..I hope you like it^_^♡♡...Hahaha!!>~<♡...Enjoy minna-san..Love lots♡♡>○<☆

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