♤Chapter 3♤

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"I'm sorry Kuroko"

Kouroko's POV~

After I told them that I'm going to quit the team..I was hoping someone would stop me..I was hoping coach Riko would stop me but..she didn't..I know she doesn't want to say those things but she needs to..

"What did I do wrong?"..I ask myself...Thinking if I did something wrong that it ended up like this..After I leave the gym I decided to buy vanilla milkshake ..That'll make me calm a bit..

At Maji Burgers♢

I'm currently waiting on the line to buy vannila milkshake..Then suddenly..

"I heard Kuroko quit Seirin"

"Probably because he knows he's making the team slow"

"Mine-chin can I have your snack?"

I suddenly freeze after hearing those words and I know who says it..I'm kinda thankful they didn't notice me...I want to leave this place but...I can't sacrifice my vanilla milkshake...

"Good for Seirin no badluck at their team anymore"

"Lets just not talk about him"

"I want to leave!!..I can't take it anymore!!.."...As soon as I have my order I rush going out.."If..if they don't want me they could just tell me without insulting me for being weak"...While I was going back to my house my phone suddenly rang (insert apple ringtone)...I answered without looking whose the caller..


I move my phone away from my ears..He's really really loud..I stop at the little playground and sit on a swing..

"Your to loud Sunoo-nii"..I was kinda annoyed of how he yells at me..

"Sorry my baby~hahaha..How are you my baby?~..Your Oniichan misses you a lot!!♡"

"Stop being childish Suno-nii..I'm okay no need to worry"

"Aughh!!../he pretend he was hurt/..You hurt me baby!!..You won't even call me oniichan!!."

I sighed so childish.."what do you want?"..

"Hmmp!..your so kj(kill joy) Suya-chan!!~...I just want to check on you.."

I wanna end the call but I don't want him getting angry..."I'm fine no need to worry"..I lied..I'm not fine...I want to cry but I cannot my brother here would ask me many questions...

"Oh really?~..Then why is my Suya-chan look sad?"

I was shocked by what he said.."W-what are you talking about?".."how did he know?...What is he?..A sorcerer?"

"Suya-chan you know lying is bad right?...hahaha..look behind you"

I jolt a little because of what he said...I look behind me and..My vanilla milkshake was supposed to fall but I won't sacrifice it just because I'm shocked..

"Hi my baby Suya-chan~♡♡"He's looking at me smiling..

I can't help it anymore..I ran towards him and hug him so tight.."Sunoo-nii!!..I..I.."I cried in his embrace.."Sunoo-nii!!..I'm in pain"...I want tell it to him but I can't cause I'm crying really hard..

"Yosh..yosh..Daijobu Suya-chan~♡♡..your Sunoo-nii is here"

He embrace me and tried to calm me down...He gently patted my back.."It's okay now baby~..My clothes will get wet because you keep crying"..He tried to joke but I glared at him...He did a peace sign because of it.."Stop crying already baby~..You'll look ugly if you keep cryi-"..."Urusaii!!".He didn't finish his words because I interrupted him...

I move away from his embrace and glared at him.."See..my baby is not crying anymore...instead he's mad at his oniichan~hahaha!!"..He laugh while looking at me.."You idiot brother of mine"...At that moment I forgot the reason why am I crying..."thanks for calming me down Sunoo-nii"...

♡~Moshi-mosh~♡...Hehehe..how was it?...Many wrong grammars?..or no?..hahaha>○<♡♡..Hope you like this chapter..Uwu...Thanks and Love lots♡♡♡..Muaahhhh!!!..oooppss!!..

Let me introduce first our childish "Sunoo"

Name: Kuroko Tetsuno
Age: "we don't need the age anymore..after all they say Age doesn't  Matter">~<♡♡
Looks: Blue hair(a lil bit darker than Tetsuya)...Gentle blue eyes...Taller than Tetsuya..Has an approachable aura...let's just say he's a good looking childish boy...
Description : He is Kuroko Tetsuya's older brother..He spoils Tetsuya..He lives from Canada...Always love and care for his brother...5th year high school student...good at study...He shows his childish side when Tetsuya's with him..Hates spicy foods...

☆Now it depends on you how you will imagined our childish Sunoo minna-san♡>~<Ahhh!!!..I think I'm in love with Sunoo!!♡♡

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