♤Chapter 5♤

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"I've decided"

Koruko's POV~

I look up confused to my brother.."What do you mean nii?"..I ask him..He look at me and said"Your going back with me to Canada"..I stared at him and kinda shocked..I mean it's not that I don't want to go with him..It's just.."But I haven't finished my school year yet!!"...I said trying to convince him"No need to worry about that you'll continue your school year in Canada"...


"No but's Tetsuya"

I didn't finished what I said because he interrupt me...I signed because my brother has finally made his decision.."I'll miss my vanilla milkshake"..I look down sadly..I notice my brother sit beside me.."Just go back with me Suya-chan~..please?"..He said in a pleading tone.."His mood really change fast.."..I look at my brother who is still has a pleading look.."A while ago he looks so mad and serious and now he's back to being childish"...I signed and nod to him.."Your going with me Suya-Chan?♡♡.."..He asked and said "Yes"...After I answered his question he suddenly hug me.."I can't breathe!!"..I was going to push him away from me but I look at him..and..he looks happy..I smiled as a sign of defeat and let him hug me..

He let me go and said"Okay..pack your things now!~".."w-wait what?!".."Are we going right now?!!"..I asked him and he smirk at me.."The earlier the better baby~♡".."idiot"..If I were a girl I would totally faint..."okay I'll go upstairs and get ready"..I get up but he suddenly stopped me.."I'll be going to your school..Let your oniichan handle this"...I nod and go upstairs...

I go to my room and take a sit in my bed..I notice the picture frame beside my bed..I bend to get it and look at it..I smiled bitterly while looking at the photo.."Why did it come to this?"...I asked myself while looking at the photo...It's a photo of me and my teammates..We look happy together..This photo was taken when we're practicing..."Kagami"..I look at Kagami in the photo.."I promise to you that I'll be your shadow..but..What can I do if you don't want me to"...I want to cry again but..."Stop crying Kuroko Tetsuya!!..Crying won't do you anything good.."...I cheered myself so that I won't burst in to tears..I look at the photo again.."Wait for me Kagami..all of you..I'll show you that you should've not underestimate me!!"..I said to myself.."I have no time to keep sulking and crying!!"...I placed back the photo and started to pack my things..

Kagami's POV~

I noticed Kuroko didn't go to school today...It's not that I'm sad or worried just kinda not used to it..I mean he's always present.."Aysshh!!..Why am I even thinking about him!!..erase!!..erase!!"...I managed to forget Kuroko and focus on our class..

(Time skipped/At the gym)

As soon as the class was over I directly go to the gym.."Okay...Listen since Kuroko quit our team I found someone who wants to join.."..."New??"..."He'll come here sooner an-"..(Scrreeech)..Riko didn't finish her sentence because someone entered the gym.."Oh..There he is"..I look at the new player who entered the gym.."Mmm..not bad"..I can feel that he's a strong player...I noticed that he's looking somewhere.."what's wrong with him?"..I asked myself and he suddenly signed..."Come here..Introduce yourself "..He walk towards us and begin to introduce himself.."Hiruma Yoichi..Nice to meet you all"...He slightly bowed and look at us.."Names Kagami Taiga"..I introduce myself and so as the team..I look at him and he suddenly smirk and whispered..."Looks like we're going to be rivals again"...But I heard it.."Rivals??..huh?..."..I was confused to what he said and just ignored him..

"Okay since our new player is here..Will start practising now!!"...Said by our coach she looks energetic..So am I...I look at Hiruma who is sitting on the bench..While we're getting ready suddenly.. (Screeeech)..Someone open the door..all of us look to see who entered...And I noticed that person in the door has a dark sky blue hair..I suddenly think.."Kuroko?"

Yayyyy!!♡♡I've made it to chapter 5..TnT...When I start this story I thought I was gonna get bored..but I freakingly enjoy it♡♡>~<...Thanks again minna-san♡♡..And love lotss♡♡...

Character Introduction ☆

NAME: Hiruma Yoichi

LOOKS: Has a slightly long black hair..with a light green eyed color..Tall as Kagami..Let's just say he looks like a CEO president..that kind of look..♢/I'm so sorry minna-san of I'm suck at explaining how they look../♢..
DESCRIPTION: He's a half Japanese...Likes to play basketball a lot..Actually his personality is same as Kagami..cheerful and energetic..but let's just add he's kinda perfectionist...And I won't tell anymore about him...cuz you'll know him someday~♡♡Love lotsss♡♡Oh yah..I think I won't be able to upload for days..cause I have many modules to answer..gomenasai minna-san♡♡

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