28: -.-- --- ..- || .- .-. .

Start from the beginning

"You can go ahead and help them, we'll take the patrol from here." Ethan said, letting the Crystals help Alice and Francis decipher.

" Ethan said, letting the Crystals help Alice and Francis decipher

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After a few minutes they managed to decipher the message. All that's wrong is that the message showed a riddle. It made the Crystals along with Alice and Francis sigh as they have to now also solve the riddle before moving on to their next goal.

"Hmm..." Francis said to himself as he read the deciphered message.

"It says that it should be around here...In this tower." Francis said as he read the riddle, finding the word 'tower' within the text.

"We'll go and find it." Alice said as she stood up.

Alice and Francis went downstairs to find their next clue. The Leaders decided to continue patrol while the Crystals also go back to the message. On the other hand, Alistair was waking up. This made Adrion relieved.

"Mmmm...What...Happened?" Alistair said, mostly becoming a whisper.

"Alistair...You're awake....You're Awake!?" Adrion said as he slowly opened his eyes, his meeting Alistair's made his eyes become bigger from shock.

"Thank Goodness you're alright..." Adrion said as he hugged Alistair.

"Whoever did that to you...They won't know what they'll be fucking getting from me..." Adrion thought to himself, as he is happier to see him awake.

"Can you stand up?" Lily asked Alistair as she noticed that he was awake.

"Yeah..." Alistair responded, standing up with little to no help.

"Good, how about we do a quick check up?" Lily asked, Alistair nodding.

As Alistair and Lily went downstairs, some kind of mist was emerging out of Alistair, making Adrion worried. As Adrion was about to point it out, the mist turned into a tiny little ghost friend. Adrion already knew this was Myst, because of the outfit. He calmed down a bit and saw that Myst was flying towards him as Myst came closer, Myst slapped him in the face. It didn't really hurt that much but Adrion was confused.

"What was that for?" Adrion asked Myst.

"Hmph!" Myst pouted, considering that Myst doesn't talk.

After Alistair's check, he came back upstairs and saw Myst with Adrion. Myst was floating around the sitting Adrion, making him question why Myst was doing that. Alistair went closer to the two but before he could say anything, Alice and Francis were calling out that they found something.

"We found it!" Francis exclaimed.

"What did you guys find? Myst, stop you're making me dizzy." Adrion said, Myst continuing to go around.

"We found this at the Meeting room." Francis responded, holding a piece of paper.

"It was in a ball, though it was strange because we had to chase it to get this." Alice said, going back to when they were downstairs.

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