Reuniting Table

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- What on earth?! - Jungkook turned around to check if anyone is looking at him when he realised that he said that out loud. Shading his phone from any prying eyes he checked notification that pops out a while ago. It was from Mcdonald app saying there was new McFlurr promotion.

- NEW PROMO FOR FLURRIES?! Sweet Jesus, wait for me I'm coming! - he started running not knowing in what direction but running. The wind brushing his fluffy hair, flies are crashing his face but he didn't mind, he is running with the speed that mother nature gives him, just to reach his destination. Nobody will stop him before delightful of a magical mixture of frozen cream with flavoured sauces and bar granola which is melting on the taste buds like, oh creativity, like frozen cream. But at the same giving the teeth a torment due to temperature and high sugar levels and hard like stones granola topping. It's worth it, believe me.

On the horizon, he could see a holy sign as a huge yellow letter "M" to which people cling like moths to the light. He was one of them when he was craving something sweet he was that moth. He is almost reached his goal, just a moment.

Jungkook ran inside, vigorously opening the door, but no one was inside. The building was empty, no tables, no self-order stands, no hustle and bustle of customers, no screaming children demanding a toy from their parents. There was only silence. Shadow was welcoming him from sides and the only source of light was a way to the cash register. Swallowing, he slowly came over that creepy cash register "what I am even doing" he asked himself.

- Hello? Anyone there? - aked while thinking how stupid he is - No? You know what? It's even better! Dentist these days are so expensive HAHA - awkwardly laughed good one JK, good one murmured scolding himself. He slowly started to back up but at the moment he stumbled with his back into something hard, thinking that was a door with not much checking, head still facing that register, he grabbed the door handle. Wait a minute, they have heated door handles? Slowly he started to turn his face to see when...

Everything began to blur and in the background, there was a buzzing like vibration, louder and louder...

- What on earth was that? - murmuring to himself still groggy from sleep Jungkook transferred his legs to the refreshing cold floor, wiping face in hands to wake up he reached for the phone to turn off the alarm and check if he gets some messages.

- Monday, 6:40, what? Let's get it... - without much enthusiasm, he marched to the bathroom to change and wash, then like kicked puppy went to the kitchen to eat whatever he had in the fridge noting to himself that he needs to do some shopping after classes. Not long after that, he went out of the apartment.

Way to the lecture hall wasn't eventful. Like always a sea of people are making their way to the entrance gate and then to split for individual schedule. Jungkook while walking in his peace with earphones in his ears playing some morning playlist to try to forget about that strange dream and prepare for a whole day of dealing with people looked around to only see that everyone is sharing the same thought about Monday's morning classes.

Jungkook made his way to his lecture class checking the time on his phone. While entering in he searched with his eyes for Jimin and Taehyung if they are present or not, knowing that one of them tend to be late and the other one just can not leave another alone. They meet at the beginning of the year when Jungkook takes a first step in the canteen to search for something to eat. The duo was so welcoming when he asked if he could sit with them when he couldn't find an empty place to sit and eat in peace. He warmed to them very fast, talked about everything with such ease even if he is such a timid person. They listened to him patiently when he was making his great monologue about games, Taehyung was sharing his enthusiasm when topic went to Overwatch and promised to play with him. Came out that they are year above him, they both on music course so they have some lectures together. Jimin as Jungkook taking additional dace curses while Taehyung taking photography. After that day they are glued to his hip on every occasion when they can see him or between classes. He slowly made his way to his row one of them called him while waving like crazy to make sure he sees them.

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