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I sat on the kitchen counter whilst Fred cleaned up my lip, lightly running a wet towel over it before opening up a small jar of a lotion thats used to get rid of cuts.

'This might sting' He said softly, tucking my hair behind my ear before gently applying it.

It did hurt slightly but was manageable.

The lotion quickly vanished the cut and after a few seconds all pain was gone.

'Thank you' I said.

He leant opposite me with his arms folded, clearly wanting to say something.

'Are you mad about what happened?' He asked.

I shrugged 'I mean i understand that she was angry but it shouldn't have been at me' I told him 'No offence' I laughed.

He let out a chuckle 'Not at the fight, about me not telling you i was with Sarah'

I looked down at my hands 'Not mad, it just didn't feel great' I told him.

He stood forwards, taking my hands into his 'The minute i saw you standing in the rain the first day you got back...Danny after you left it took me years to get over it and start dating again, the second i saw you all of that was forgotten, it felt like no time had passed'

I looked into his eyes 'But time has passed, a lot of it' I muttered.

'That doesn't change the fact that i will always love you' He spoke, griping onto my hands.

'I don't want to get in the way of you moving on'

He let out a heavy breath, clearly knowing exactly what i was thinking.

As much as I wanted to be with Fred i knew that what he had back then was something so huge, so special and so rare...i knew that we would both jump at the opportunity to get back together...but what if me leaving was right for us?

What if too much had happened between us for it to ever be good again?

I got down from the counter, standing mere inches away from him, my face levelled with his chest.

'I think it's best that i go' I whispered.

He sighed, wanting to pull me into his arms but knew that neither of us had the power to stop whatever this was if we were to.

I turned around, quickly grabbing my jacket from the chair and apparating.

Once back in my room i changed and got straight into bed, not being able to face any one right now.

Even though it felt like Fred and i had squashed the possibility of ever getting back together, I couldn't ignore the longing in my heart for him.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight so i took a sleeping pill and waited for the effects to kick in.

'Morning sunshine' Ginnys voice echoed in my ear.

'Or should i say afternoon' She added as i opened my eyes.

I sat up in bed, feeling like id just awoken from a coma, rubbing my eyes.

Ginny was sat beside me with a cup of coffee, smiling brightly as she wafted it in front of my nose.

'You've been sleeping all day' She told me as i took a sip from the cup.

'Oops' I replied sarcastically.

'Late night with Fred?' She teased, clearly thinking that something had happened.

'Nope' I smiled weakly as her face dropped.

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