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In the two years that i was gone, i was on the run.

Not from a person or object.

But from the realisation of what my life had come to.

I knew i had problems, i knew that i was close to just giving in, and that to finally try and come to terms with the last few year, would be much harder than what i had been through before.

My father and i had plans for when i graduated, we were going to France, and stay in Paris, exploring the city and making memories.

We never did get to go together.

I went alone.

It was one of the first places i went.

I only had a very small amount of money, and a limited supply of clothes, so i knew that i needed to be careful and considerate to where i went.

But in the first few weeks, i didn't care about any of this.

I wasn't being naïve.

I was just lost.

I used to sleep on benches in parks, or just stare up at the nights sky, trying desperately to re connect with my love of stars.

Other nights, i snuck into libraries, falling asleep amongst a pile of books.

I was found the morning after by the librarian, he was a rather old man, and instead of kicking me out, he took pity on me, he gave me some money and let me stay there overnight.

He never asked what my situation was, which i was thankful for, but i was certain that he had an idea of the troubles in my life.

I had been travelling to various towns and cities that me and my dad had dreamed of going for around six months, although the concept of time started to become irrelevant.

It wasn't until i stumbled across a small muggle coffee shop in a town located near Cornwall, when i remebered what life really was like.

The old lady who owned it, saw me one afternoon, sat in the cold and staring at the street, she came outside offering me a cup of coffee, which i accepted as i hadn't been sleeping too well and had always had a love for that certain beverage.

Once i was inside, she told me about a job offer, she said i could work here in the days and that she would pay me, it was only a small wage, but it was something.

So i took it.

I worked there for a while, sort of forgetting about the wizarding world and in some ways, finding a peace that i hadn't felt in a long time.

I didn't mean i never wanted to go back.

But for now, it was the place where i was healing.


I hadn't planned of how i would return to my old life.

I had just had a feeling.

I knew that the time had come.

I had friends, some remaining family and a life that I used to thoroughly enjoy.

I had wondered if they would even want me to come back, but i needed to apologise.

To harry.

To my friends.

But especially to Fred.

Not a day went by when I didn't think of him, he was my first love.

We completed each other.

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