Eugene × (dieing) Reader

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* Eugene p.o.v. *
The battalions of soldiers were never ending and Delsin is still there fighting Augustine. Throwing him another Core Relay I continue fighting the D. U. P. and helping Fetch and Y/n.
All three of us were once in Curdon Cay and escaped with the accident. Me and Y/n met when we arrived there. I liked her since then. She is controling p/n and I discovered it when we were training together sometimes. Our cells were even next to each other and we were comunicating through the walls writing on pieces of toilet paper. After Hank helped us run we all separated, but Delsin managed to bring us all into a group again.
Turing back in my human form and looking inside the building through something that was once a window I see Delsin giving Augustine the last hit, then she is covered in concrete. It's over. The terror is over!

* Y/n p.o.v *
Me and Fetch stop fighting after the last soldier and go inside the building with Eugene. Delsin was looking at Augustine most covered in concrete, except her head.
Delsin: I won!
Augustine: Are you sure?
From behind the blonde, another Augustine is revealed and tries to hit Delsin with a concrete shard. That was a trap, she had a clone of concrete. Without thinking twice I run jump in front of him feeling the concrete hitting my chest slowly. The pain was unbearable and after that it persisted to my arms and legs with the contact with the cold floor. I heard concrete again, but I wasn't hit.
???: YYYY/NNNNN!!!!!!
This voice. Who had this voice? Is a familiar one, I know it! Light and darkness were trying to trick me and were succeding in that. A pair of arms took me from the ground and were holding me. Delsin and Fetch were trying to pull out the concrete while Eugene was the one holding me.
Eugene: Y/n, stay awake!
Me: It's hard. I feel so tired.
Fetch: Y/n, don't do this!
Delsin: Why it doesn't get off?
Eugene: Delsin just do something!
In his voice were noticeable the panick, fear and hope. I was feeling bad for causing it. I slowly put my hand on his cheek wich caught his attention and hold my hand.
Me: It's ok, Eugene... Sometimes we can't save everyone... I couldn't save my family.. from the soldiers... and now...
Eugebe: Y/n don't say this. Please don't say this!
Small tears were forming in the corners of his eyes. My sight was getting dizzier and dizzier and I could feel even more tired.
Eugene: Don't go, please!
Me: I... l-love you,.. Eugene! Don.. 't... cry on... me...
Now I could feel a rock that was taken from my heart and just happines.

* Author p.o.v. *
Y/n's expresion slowly faded, her head resting on the blonde conduits arm. The silence was deadly for the group, on the inside everyone beeing broken. The guys took off their beanies and hoodies while the magenta haired conduit was crying.
Eugene closed Y/n's eyes, then took her bridal style and everyone ran away from the place. Her body was now in his arms and was slowly destroying him the sensation of coldness.
Delsin and Fetch didn't realize that the blonde conduit covered his face with a mask or better said masks of feelings that combined resultet into a non-expresed face. After they burried her body they chose their roads for the moment and stayed separately. When beeing alone, he took of the masks and showed his feelings. Destroying stuff from the hideout, judging himself,... then Y/n. He was crying on her or just thinking about her. After he calmed down he put the masks back on, just in case, and continued to use them outside the place.

* time skip - a month later - Delsin p.o.v. *
It passed some time since Y/n died and I just visited her grave today. Sometimes when I am visiting Reggie I also go to Y/n, beeing in the same place and put some flowers or clean it a little. What is worring me the most is Eugene. He is changed.
When I want to talk to him at the hideout he's rarely there, when I'm looking for him around the city I find dead bodies of D.U.P. soldiers hidden or even seen by the others there must be police officers around it. Her dead really twisted him and there must be something done until the people will start to be against conduits again.
After finding some soldiers I knew where to go. The building where I fought the Akurans. I land on the roof with a little help from the video wings. Dead silence. I prepare my chain and check every place, until I felt something hiting my head very hard. I fell on the floor, dizzy and with an unbearable pain, but still awake. Thanks to the fast healing I could see again what is happening. Heavens Hellfire, but darker. This place looks like a forest. No sun, just trees and grass, but together with an anusual silence. Then, a red wave of energy was trying to hit me, but I managed to protect myself. Is this what I think it is?
???: Where are you?!
Judging by the voice it's Eugene, but in his angel form.
???: It's all your fault! Fight back, you, coward!
So, he's furious. Somw trees are flying in front of me after another hit from Eugene, revealing the "He who dwels" angel with red video wings. Finding some video on one of the trees I absorb it and start to fight. The video wings were also helpfull.
Me: Eugene, what happened with you?
Eugene: I'm gonna kill you for what you did to her! You hear me? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!
He Simmons some angels to help him, but I attack them with the video swords, not letting Eugene heal.
Me: Eugene, it's not my fault! She chose to protect us! It was her decision!
Eugene: SHUT UP!
Great, now I made him even more furious! He hit me, but the fast healing didn't let me get hurt. I got up and summoned angels to attack. It's kinda hard to fight with Eugene like this, but in the end we wake up back in the abandoned building. He tried to take some video to fight back, but I stopped him and tied him with the chain. He was struggling, but I stoped him.
Me: Eugene, did you thought I knew this would happen? I can't sleep for most of the nights because of it, but that was her choice! And now you're just dennying Y/n.
It was a little hard to read any reaction in Eugene's eyes, but what I managed to notice was his shock. He was no longer strugling, he was no longer moving, just looking in a certain direction. It was like he was a ceramic statue that was just hit and now on the floor were just the shards. I let him go, a little skeptical at start, but I was getting more tired so I did it.
Eugene: I'm sorry...
In the next seconds, Eugene was slowly getting up and mumbling just "I'm sorry" and stopped walking next to one of the pillars, where he could see the sun leaving the sun and behind it an orange-reddish sky. He got on his knees and started crying. I've never saw him like this and that's making me sad.

*time skip - days later - Eugene p.o.v.*
Walking into the cemitery is feeling different. I fought DUPs, I almost killed Delsin and I dissapointed Y/n. I'm not sad, I'm just feeling guilty.
Finding her grave stone, I open the small gate and put the flowers on the dry earth. It's going to rain later and is not a problem. I sit on the bench nearby the small green fence.
Me: Hello, Y/n! I know it passed some time and I'm sorry I didn't came recently! Many things happened in your absence. I dissapointed you, Y/n! After you left I was judging me non-stop for not being able to save you, I was about to even kill Delsin and it was all my fault. I-... I really miss you, Y/n!... I made a very big mess and I don't know what to do. I'm very sorry, Y/n, please forgive me!

*Author p.o.v. *
With the glasses down and both his hands covering his face, Eugene is not seeing in front of him Y/n. She was sad seeing him cry, so she got on her knees and hugged him. The cold air was blowing and the sky started to cry at this picture.
Y/n: I forgive you, Eugene!
He stopped his tears and slowly got up. It was weird for him, but the pain suddenly stopped. The wind took it all away.
Eugene: That's all I had to say. I hope you are fine where you are, y/n. I love you and good bye for now!
Eugene got up, kissed the cross and left the cemitery. There was no time to waste. He had a lot of time to get back and help the people who needed him.

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