(cheating) Cole × reader

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* Y/n p.o.v. *
And I finished! I lean on the cold wood and look at the sky. The stars were disappearing, the sun talking their place. Fetch begged me to stop the transport from the last night. I don't complain, tough. I was bored.
Delsin: You're tired?
Me: A little.
Delsin: Let's go until the police comes!
I forgot to say, Delsin helped me. I got up and we left the place just in time. I watched the police cars parking and going after the dealers.
Me: That was close!
Delsin: You can say it again.
Me: Now I have just one thing to do after this. Maybe two.
Delsin: What?
Me: Bed and pillow.
Delsin: Yeah, me too. Bye!
Me: Bye!
It was a long night and all I want is sleeping. Opening the door of the appartment I notice something that made me curios and heartbroken. All along the living room floor were clothes. Coles and a some of a girl. This can't be! I rush to the bedroom and when I opened the door my heart broke in a milion pieces. In bed were Cole and Fetch. So that's why she send me and Delsin away. I try not to look at them and take my stuff. I took my backpack and leave, but I 'dropped' something on the floor. I don't leave this place before confronting him. I want to know why they did this. Slowly, Cole opens his eyes confused.
Me: Good morning! How was the last night with Fetch?
Terryfied, he gets up and looks at me. Fetch also wakes up and at my sight she's paralyzed.
Fetch: Y/n... It's not what it looks like!
Me: Oh, really? So you didn't slept with my boyfriend while me and Delsin were making your job!
Cole: Y/n I-
Me: Why did you do this to me?
Cole: You neglected me, Y/n.
Me: Do you even know how it is to have a sicknes beacuse of this powers? The D. U. P. took a big amount of my powers and I'm struggling with what I have left and you complain that I neglect you! And you, Fetch, I would have understand if it was someone else, but you... you were my bestfriend and Delsins girlfriend.
Fetch: Y/n, plase don't tell him!
Me: Are you crazy? You know what, why do I still try? Resolve your problems both of you and don't ever find me again!
I burst out of the apartament without listening to them anymore. I took my phone and called the person that deserves to know about this.
Delsin: Yeah?
Me: Delsin, it's me! I need to say something to you that can be a little shocking. Can we meet at Latte Owl in 10 minutes?
Delsin: What is this about?
Me: It's too important to say it trough the phone.
Delsin: Ok.

* Time skip *
Me: And I found them in bed. That's what happened.
I notice on his face that he was in the same time sad, confused and furious. That's how I felt when I saw them, but if I killed them I would have lead the policemen to me.
Delsin: I'm gonna kill them.
Me: It's no use, Delsin. If they wanted to do this it's their choice and I don't want you to be arrested!
Delsin calms down and continue to drink his coffee. He knew I was right.
Me: Now what can we do?
He puts his coffee away and looks at me again. I knew from his face that he had an ideea.
Delsin: What if... we would be alone together?
Me: Really?
Delsin: Yeah! If they can be happy, we can be too.
Delsin is right! I don't want to cry over someone who didn't care about me and cheated on me with my bestfriend. Maybe this time I will be lucky.
Delsin: So, what do you think?
Me: Let's try!
He slowly takes my hand in his and reveals an honest smile.

* Author p.o.v. *
Just if they knew Cole was looking on the window at you two. He was broken and regreted what happened.
For weeks he tryed to convince you to be together again, but it was useless. Delsin expected something like this to you, beacuse Fetch tryed the same thing on him. She stopped anyway. With Cole was hard, but Delsin was with you all the time. You helped each other and in time your feelings for him grew. Delsin demonstrated he can make you feel like this.

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