Fetch × (male) reader

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A/n: While contemplating how can I also introduce Fetch here, the actual context of the world gave me an idea. Hope you enjoy!

* Author p.o.v. *
       It was the worst week of your life. The pandemic, the DUPs that didn't want to leave Seattle and the recent discovery that you and a certain pink haired conduit were infected.
       You were now sharing your appartment with Fetch for the next 2 weeks. You were not in best terms, let's just say. You were both conduits and met trough Delsin and Eugene, however you barely talk to each other and had arguments sometimes in missions because of it. Now it was the time to change it all.

* Y/n p.o.v. *
      And that's it! I put back the laptop and turn it off. I got bored these days and start doing any kind of things. It's also a good thing I can work from home. The only thing that I don't like it's that I'm trapped home for 2 weeks with Fetch.
      I don't know her very well, but she looks like the typical rebel girl that doesn't care who is she hurting. I got out of the room and took some things from the frindge. I think I'm gonna make a sandwich or so.
      Opening the door, however, I saw Fetch cooking something. That really surprises me. I put all of the stuff on the table.
Me: I didn't know you can cook!
Fetch: Since I moved from the billboard I learned to cook. I like doing this! Do you want omlete?
Me: Yeah!
       After she finished, we started eating and I must say: for a rebel girl she is cooking really good. No one dares to break the silence, so the lunch continues in a pacefull way. I wash the dishes while Fetch just got up from the table.
Me: Thanks for the food! It was delicious.
Fetch: I'm glad you liked it! ... Can you tell me about yourself? 
Me: What do you want to know?
Fetch: I don't know. Anything. We are conduits and are from the same group, but we never talked or know something about each other.
Me: If you're that curious then, I'm y/n, but others call me n/n. I  like (f/h - favourite hobby) even if some people think that's not ok, but I don't care. Your turn!
Fetch: Ok. I'm Abigail, but I'm known as Fetch and I am stopping drug dealers from the city to destroy other peoples lives. Exception, that now Delsin is doing this for me.
Me: I saw your work with them, but are there another motifs instead, you know, the drugs and their effects?
        Hearing this question, her face saddens a little. The silence even if it was present in the room for some seconds felt like an eternity passed.
Fetch: Let's just say once I was one of their costumers, too. I don't wanna talk about it, can we pass it?
       Putting the plates away we get out of the kitchen. I sat in my bed for quite some time, thinking about our last conversation. I never saw Fetch being sad or even anything similar. I think I touched a fragile subject.
      The repeating knocks at the front door stop me from finding answers about Fetch. On the other side of the wooden door, some steps away was Delsin, wearing a mask on his face and gloves and in his hands were two bags.
Delsin: Hello, Y/n! I think this must be the medicine and the food.
Me: Thank you! How's it going?
Delsin: Kinda boring without you and Fetch. You alright?
Me: I'm ok, but Fetch doesn't seem fine sometimes. Can you tell me What's the thing with Fetch and the drug dealers?
Delsin: I don't think I am the right person to tell you this, better ask her. I can just say that behind her actions it's not something she is proud of.
Me: Ok.
Delsin: I need to go, if you need anything just call me or Eugene!
Me: Thanks for your help! Bye!
       Locking the door, I cheek one of the bags that had the medicine. This three must be for Fetch. I took the small boxes and go to her room. I was about to knock on the door when I heard her voice. Something seem off so I got closure to it. Is she.. crying? I slowly open it and try to listen.
Fetch: Oh, Brent! Is better for you that you're not living these crazy times. I'm sorry!
        Opening the door wider I saw her crying with her mouth covered with one of her hands and in the other one was a photo of a guy. I couldn't see him very well, but it doesn't matter. I knock on the door, alarming Fetch that turned to the window and wiping away her tears.
Me: Delsin came with the medicine. I think these pills are yours.
Fetch: Just put them on the bed.
Me: You alright, Fetch?
Fetch: Why wouldn't I?
        I walked to her, she slowly turned her face to me revealing her red swolen eyes.
Me: Beacuse you're not lying very well. If you want to you can tell me and this can say between us.
        She thought for a moment, then she showed me the photo hidden in her pants pocket anyway.

Fetch: He was Brent,

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Fetch: He was Brent,... my elder brother.
Me: And where is he now?
Fetch: In the afterlife and all of this because of the drugs.
       She told me what happened and that was enough to shock me. I was wrong about her. 
Fetch: I'm a monster...
       I don't know what happens with my body, but it moved without my will. She was as surprised as me, not responding to my hug.
Me: That's not true and I know how it feels to lose a brother or sister in my case.
        She hugged me finally and from that night we became bestfriends. The quarantine ended and Fetch returned to her appartment and our lifes continued.
Me: And that's it!
Fetch: Thanks for helping me this night!
Me: No problem! Let's go untill the police comes.
Fetch: Hey, y/n!
       I turned my face to her, Fetch hugging me from behind. Wait, what?
Me: Fetch?
Fetch: Thank you for helping me back then!
       I turn to her and her forest green eyes stopped me looking at anything else. My hands were on her waist  while hers hot around my neck. I knew what I wanted and what she wanted. I kissed her without hesitation, she responding to me seconds after. We broke it after hearing the police sirens. I took her bridal style and hide on a building, watching the men talking the unconscious drug dealers.

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