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After the meeting had ended, I knew Chishiya had made up a plan, by looking at his smirking face when we left.

Chishiya had pulled me into his room and had gathered Usagi, Arisu and Kuina in there as well.

He had took out a bandage and wrapped the fabric around my hand, that he had cleaned before.

After he was done he started speaking.

"The black envelope. The poker cards gathered by all the members of Beach are kept in a safe in Hatter's royal suite room." Chishiya spoke, sitting on a chair.

He gestured me to take a seat too, so I let myself fall onto his bed.

Why was it much more comfortable than mine?!

"The passcode to the safe is kept and sealed in the black envelope. The envelope isn't see through at all and kept in utmost secrecy, and can be opened only when there is a new number one."

I nodded in understanding.

The other three were also listening intently, but Kuina probably already knew everything about the plan, while Chishiya had only cut it short when he had told me, so I would of course listen now.

"The number one will check the passcode alone in front of all the executive members including me of course."

"So then he'll put the paper in a new envelope and seal that one?" I asked.

"Yeah. It'll then also be signed by all executive members before it's hidden away again."

"Okay, so what positions are we all on to get the cards?" Usagi asked what I also was about to question.

"First, Arisu will infiltrate the royal suite. Then he will search for the safe and steal all the playing cards."

"What about the passcode?" Arisu asked.

"I have an idea of it. I'll tell you when you're in front of the safe."

Something seemed off and I could tell Usagi and Arisu weren't really fond of the plan.

"Isn't that a bit late to tell Arisu the passcode?" I asked sceptically.

Even though I had started to trust Chishiya more, I knew he was keeping something from us.

"No. It's exactly the right time." He answered, not looking at me.


Chishiya gave us all a walkie talkie, letting his hand lightly touch mine, making shivers go down my spine.

Oh yes.

I really think I have a crush on the blonde guy in front of me.

While I took mine and looked deep into his eyes, I could see his dark orbs watching me intently.

"You're really cautious. I got it." Arisu spoke up, making Chishiya turn away from me and back to Arisu.

Usagi, Kuina and I would be on the lookout, while Chishiya would be with the other executive members.

"This is too dangerous! If we're discovered, we'll be killed." Usagi said, glaring at Chishiya.

"Yeah, I know it's dangerous, but it's the only way to change our current situation." I tried to sound convincing, even though I was a bit frightened as well.

Kuina nodded and looked at me.

Then we all stood up, as the announcement of Aguni being the new leader would soon be told all members of the beach.

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