Season 2| Chapter 27

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When I get to the intersection we said our goodbyes at, the sun is about to set.

I stop running when I get to the large crossing and immediately scan my surroundings.

"Shuntaro?" I call out, my voice a bit shaky.

I turn around, trying to find at least a small sign of life anywhere.

But I find nothing.

He can't have left, right?

No, I know he would have stayed put.

At least until the end of the day.

A sigh leaves my lips, and I feel a shiver run through my body when a gust of wind blows through my hair.

I know he's somewhere here.

He has to be...

"Chishiya?" My voice is a bit louder now as I walk closer to the middle of the intersection.

A moment of silence follows my call, and I sigh.

He should be here.

The King of Diamonds' aircraft isn't there anymore.

I know he won the game, he's too intelligent to lose.


No, I know he won.

He has to have won.

Another sigh leaves my lips, and I comb through my hair with my hand.

Okay, Y/n.

Just relax.

Maybe he went to the game arena of the King of Hearts to look for me...?

I lean against an overgrown traffic sign, not knowing what to do now.

If Shuntaro isn't here, he could be anywhere.

But he promised to wait as long as it would take.

I don't care, I just need to find him.

I can't imagine losing him again.

After the two of us parted when the King of Spades first appeared I felt so hopeless.

I can't do this again, not knowing whether he's safe or in real danger.

As yet another sigh leaves my lips, I lightly kick the traffic sign, my heart feeling heavy.

What plan should I follow to find him?

Where do I go fir- ?

But something cuts through my train of thought.

In the corner of my eye, I watch a figure step out from the shadow of a building.

Immediately, I look around for something useful.

Something that can defend me.

But my body feels completely numb when I hear the person's voice call out to me.


And it's him.

His familiar voice.

My hands clench into fists, and I turn fully to look at him.

When I see the small smile on his lips, I can't help but run at him, trying to fight off the tears of relief.

"Shuntaro!" I yell, watching him open his arms when he sees me running at him.

In a split second, I hug him hard, making him stumble a bit, and the two of us almost fall to the ground.

As we stumble for a bit, trying to find our balance again, I can't help but break out into laughter.

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