He had Wings / Part 2

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Tinea and Valentin had arrived at the snack, both looking at the menu. But before Tinea could order, his ring made the same sound meaning he was getting a call.
He tried to cover up the sound with his hand.

Shit !

Tinea: H-hey Val, take me the same thing as you, I have an urgency. I'll be back soon !

He rushed to the bathroom.

Tinea: Plagg !

Plagg: Fleeing your first date ?

Tinea: Don’t hurt me more than I already am. Claws out !

Once transformed into Lucky Cat, he escaped through the window, leaping onto the nearest building as he answered the call.

Antony: I found it-


Antony: The pond-

Tinea: Of course, you couldn’t be close !

Antony: Sorry-

He hung up, rushing towards the forest to reach his partner's position.


Seeing his partner arrive, Antony jumped off his perch, grabbing him by the tail, making him hiss in the process.

Antony: Sorry, sorry, sorry, please stay calm. It’s asleep ...

Tinea refrained from shouting at his partner, noticing the bird. He turned to him.

Tinea: Where are your wings?

Antony: You saw them ?

Tinea: Yeah.

Antony: Did it look cool ?

The glance of his teammate sent him the message.

Tinea:… What’s the plan? I can't just cataclysm the bird itself. You must’ve seen something with your pretty eyes.

Antony: Well it has something around its legs… For the moment we just know your cataclysm needs to be close enough. And please don’t cataclysm the house, I can’t use my lucky charm ...

Tinea: I never promise anything.

The cat stalked up to the cabin. This was one of his perks that he didn't think he had any use for, his footsteps making no sound.

He climbed onto the wooden planks, but before he could reach the raptor, the cabin door opened.

“Hey you ! Get off my house! “

The raptor awoke and the cat's ears fluttered back.

Tinea: Oh no …

He was way too close to the bird, which immediately turned its head in his direction, sharpening its claws. 

The memories of the evening came back.

Thanks to the alcohol, he hadn't even noticed that the raptor, catching him, had planted its claws in his skin. 
It was his classmate, Antony, who finally noticed he was injured.

His friends had accompanied him to the emergency room, where the nurses had tried not to judge the young man's blood alcohol level.

It was only the next day and the days after that the pain from his injuries, although superficial, started to be felt.

He had no idea, but those facts were what had led him to have a fear that stood out, even being Lucky Cat. So rather than run away, he was paralyzed.

Miraculous : The tales of MrBug and Lucky Cat.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora