15: gunfire

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Wheein stood amazed, watching his nimble reflexes, entirely frozen until she reevaluated the situation. His hand reared to his ear, looking as if he were to project a javelin.

And then, he flourished his arm forward, flicking his wrist in a way that made the rigorous movement from his injury unimportant. All three ninja stars tore at the girl. She had no time to dodge them, she hardly saw the fashioned metal before they were lodged in her body.

One star protruded from her neck, unquestionably clean through her windpipe, and another stuck out from her collarbone. The last sat down the core of her nose, splitting it in two and sending an abundance of crimson fluid out onto the floor.

Wheein suffered, puffing and panicking at the newfound torture in her neck and the grievous throbbing in the middle of her face. While distracted and gradually sinking to the floor to join Hwasa in their inevitable death, Jimin pulled out his revolver and finished the woman off — aloud and with a pitiful explosion of brain matter.

"Shit, nice one." Yoongi trotted past the older boy, eagerly bearing a machete. Yoongi took his role within the gang very solemnly and being the torturer gave him the convenience of having access to the most ridiculous weapons and instruments in the house. He charged with it, staying out of interest of the two unknowing females as he rounded the dining table, lurking behind Solar.

They were occupied with firing useless shots at his gang, and Solar hadn't noticed him until the tortuously sharp tool he held was drawn down the length of her spine. A high-pitched outcry came from her, falling when Yoongi landed his foot on the back of her legs.

Moonbyul, prompt to act upon seeing her two dead gang members and Solar writing around in agony with her spine exposed on the floor, whipped her gun around so that it faced Yoongi instead of Taehyung.

Her finger depressed onto the trigger just as Yoongi danced his arm upwards and mangled into her dominant hand.

While she had aimed at his face, the sweltering injury made her hands jerk and the bullet that left her gun ended up embedded in the arsonist's hip. He dropped, grunting and holding his hand to the gunshot wound below his abdomen.

Solar, fussing at the sight of her two fingers suspending down from her bleeding hand, bent beside Yoongi and took ahold of his machete. He watched her, winded from the pain.

Just as she went to dive the knife into his chest, a clattering bang sounded and a switchblade, extended out in its unused condition, flew through the air and burst its way through the side of her cheek.

She spun and looked furiously at the men, accidentally dumping the machete onto Solar's leg, and opened her mouth to protest. The blade made this remarkably difficult as a tidal wave of blood spilt from her lips the second she separated them.

Below her, Yoongi scavenged his knife and plunged it into the girl's belly, watching with a clenched jaw as she collapsed against the wall and slid her way down to the ground.

"Please... please," Solar sobbed, her face directed at the three bodies of her friends as she lay incapacitated under Yoongi's gaze. He made eye contact with Namjoon, whose hands were stuffed with extra knives — in case the one he threw at Moonbyul wouldn't be enough.

"Hoseok," Yoongi requested, summoning the medic closer.

"Shit, Yoongs, didn't realise she managed to get you." Hoseok panted, wasting no time in helping the arsonist to his feet and escorting him away from the tension-filled dining room.

"Please," Solar sang out once more. She gained the attention of Namjoon, who pottered over to the exposed member of Mamamoo.

He knelt to her level and looked into her lifeless eyes, "you're scum." And then, the leader of BTS stood and used every muscle in his body to work up the strength before stomping down hard onto Solar's face, his heavy-duty boots pulverising low into her features.

Watching her spasm even after he pulled his foot away, Namjoon rolled his eyes at the nuisance and used Yoongi's resting machete to slice into the top of her head.

"That was—"


"Taehyung, what the fuck?"

"Hey, how's Minjun?" Namjoon deflected his eyes to Seokjin who sat cradling the teenager and pressing his hands over the boy's ears.

The sniper released his death grip and Minjun took his opportunity to sit upright. His eyes looked around the room frantically, scrutinising the scene to try and comprehend what had just happened.

"You okay?" Jimin questioned, walking up to the pair with his hand held over his shoulder - fingers acting as a makeshift tourniquet. Minjun looked over his shoulder at the not so well-known boy and nodded, his eyes narrowing once he caught sight of the injury.

The short boy gulped, flinching to reach out to the hurt hacker, but stopped himself when the suffering in his knee stopped him from moving.

"It's okay," Seokjin smoothed Minjun's leg, "Jimin will get helped as soon as Yoongi is patched up."


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