|hell's above|

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A tree branch thumbed into the bathroom. Some imagines flashed by the heavy trunk crashing down at me. The air being knocked out of my lungs to my surprise it didn't tie back to this moment we were so out of reach of the tree.
I sigh resting my head against the wall.
Shawn stared at the fallen tree unmoved blinking slowly.
"Scary dude." He stuttered some words out.
Running my hand through some strains of my hair.
"Are you okay?" He glanced at me.
I opened my mouth but nothing seemed to come out, I just nodded.
"And you?" I turned my head towards him. His face is still full of searches wounds and bleeding.
"Does it look like I'm fine."
"Sorry." I looked away smoothing a little stain of hair.
The silence was cut off by the air alarm. We both shared a glance in terror scrambling up. Like a howl of a wolf gaming through the mountains.
Evar's voice was barely hearable above the whining of the alarm.

I WONDER Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ