chapter 39

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                                             CHAEYOUNG'S P.O.V

"why are you guys running? is everything alright?" jungkook asked in a worried tone.

The girls including me, looked at each other while panting. 

"We need to te--" i was cut off when tzuyu lightly pinched my arm to stop.

I looked at her and she looked back at me with 'no, don't say anything yet' look. I quietly nodded and looked back at the two still looking confused about the sudden rush.

"She's already discharged" she said.

"But, she just got here yesterday. How come?" gguk asked again, eyebrows crossed , confused.

"We don't know either, the room is already empty when we got there." she added. 

Wow, seriously, since when did this girl get to lie like a pro? 

"Then we go to her house" we heard taehyung saying with his blank expression. 

That was the time we panicked even more, how can we stop him? Sana didn't even told her parents about her pregnancy, so maybe she's also trying to hide it away from us? but why?

*sudden silence.......

"Uhh.....tae, can i ask?" jennie interrupted the silence between us. 

"Yeah, what is it?" he asked, still in a cold tone.

"D..did something else happen, the night when you brought sana home?" we all looked at her in disbelief. Tzuyu tried to shook her head slowly ,trying to signal her to stop.

We looked back at taehyung, and i can sense he's trembling. The place in air conditioned so there's no reason for him to sweat, right? I mean....even if we don't ask the answer will still be yes.

"Tae?" she asked again. Geez i can't belive this girl has this kind of confidence to ask him.

", n..nothing happened. W...why did you ask?"he uttered. See, he can't  even get to pronounce the words correctly. it should be obvious by now.

*sudden silence again....

"We should all go home now" i said. They all nodded yes.

"you should go now, gguk. I'll just pass by her house to make sure she's fine" taehyung said,.

"No" tzuyu interrupted.

Taehyung looked at her surprised, also gguk and the other girls so as me. I know she's trying to stop him, so do i but i can't. He looks scary enough.

"what i mean is need rest too, you know? And sana also needed some space. We'll just go there for you and check her out" an awkward smile formed in her lips.


"then, i'll just call her. Thanks" he said. We sighed in relief after that.

"Then let's go!" 

                                     --  .  --  .  --  .  --  .  --  .  --  .  --

As soon as we exited we wave our hands saying goodbye to each other.

"So... why do you guys want me to come with you?" jennie asks.

"we need to talk to her, you're also her friend so were friends and you need to come with us" tzuyu said and flashed as smile at her while were walking our way.

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