9. Apart Of The Game.

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After Rumple set the rules, he vanished into thin air, leaving Hook with the body of his sister "So, I hear you need help" he sighed, turning to Pan "Who said that?" Pan chuckled, a smirk wiping his face "Don't need to, it's written all over" he stood a few feet away from them both "I can help you retrieve her heart, but..you'll have to do something for me" Hook sighed "What do you want?" Pan smiled, one full of mischief "I want her" Hook glared "You're not going to have her" Pan laughed a little, Hook arched an eyebrow "Then neither of us are getting what we want if Rumple finds that heart..I know where it is, that little map you have..was meant for only me and her to understand it" he crossed his arms over his chest "Your choice, wanna save her? Agree to my deal".

Red sighed, leaning down to drag Emma's body down to the ground, she groaned, not having the strength to lift her down, she sighed and snapped her fingers, they both vanished onto the ground "There.." She laid Emma's body on the ground, wiping her hands on the fabric of her pant leg, she leaned down to pick Emma back up "Stop..get your hands off my daughter" her eyes averted up to the group of three "We should just kill the bitch..we all know she's going to tattle to Pan" Regina said, a ball of flame igniting in her hand. Red rolled her eyes, standing up straight "What is it now? Can't you see I'm busy" Mary Margaret holstered her bow and arrow, aiming at the auburn-haired girl "Don't touch her!" She shouted, causing a smirk to go on the girls face, Red raised her hands until they met the sides of her face "What are we waiting for?" Regina said, a nasty glare on her face, using this as a distraction, Red reached for her bow and three arrows, she armed them and had it aimed at the three, before any of them could blink.

Red tightened her grip on the bows shaft "Pan will not be pleased!" She said, backing away from Emma's body and toward another path into the jungle "You're not going anywhere" Regina said, launching a fireball from the palm of her hand, Red's eyes widened, she vanished just a second before the ball of fire could touch her- perhaps it was too late. Red appeared in another part of the jungle, she gasped and leaned against a tree for support, she looked down seeing a burn on the side of her stomach, she panted, gently grazing her fingers on the wound, she pulled back with a hiss "Thank goodness, it wasn't Dreamshade..".

Red slowly limped her way to a small pond, she hissed and sat down on her knees, she cupped her hands and brought the water to her lips and sipped the special water up "The more you drink it, the more you become the island" she flinched, hearing Felix's voice "Why should I care? I only wanted to go home..oh what is it now? I seemed to have lost count after the 100th year" she said, smiling in a sarcastic matter. Felix eyed Red a little more, he licked his lips "Want to know something, little flower?" His smooth voice echoed off the silence, Red's attention was to him "What is it?" Felix smirked "Pan wants you dead, he's always wanted you gone..you've been alive for far too long, and I fear..your demise will be soon" Red glared at the taller boy "I'm the most highly skilled bounty hunter around..where would Pan find another hunter?" Felix sighed, crouching down to her level "He has an entire group of boys- savages no less..you figure it out" he left Red to herself, she looked down to see the injury gone, she stood and made her way back to her treehouse..hoping the group of four were still there, tending to the saviour.

Hook looked at Pan, a suspicious gaze set in his crystal-blue orbs "You know what's funny?" He arched a brow at Pan's sudden question, the boy took it as a sign to continue "You and (Y/n) look nothing alike, you have dark brown hair, she bears (h/c) hair..you have an entirely different facial structure than she does, tell me this..where's the family resemblance?" Hook sneered, Pan smirked "She wouldn't happen to be adopted or kidnapped, would she? Or cursed even?" Pan asked, with a teasing tone in his tongue "It's a wonder why (Y/n) was always the odd one out, apart from you and your brother, Liam". Hook clenched his fist, slowly growing infuriated at Pan's taunting "She was the forgotten one, no one paid attention to her..so she was able to get away with anything she pleased, all the attention was on you and your brother after all..which is why, her heart rests in a special place, for both me and her..granted, it was mine before but I found her there..on a cold night, asking herself how come she was surrounded by 'family' but still felt alone" Hook growled "She was not alone! Now, you take me to her heart, or I will make you rue the day you ever met her!" Pan chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender "Alright..but the deal still stands" Pan held out his hand, Hook slowly rested his hand in Pan's and shook on it "Follow me".

"Is she going to be alright?" Mary Margaret asked, worry heavy in her voice, Regina sighed "She's fine..it's just a knock-out spell" Regina waved her hand over Emma's body, a purple vapour emitting from her palm. Regina backed away from Emma, standing in front of David and Mary Margaret, MM and David sighed in relief as Emma gasped to consciousness "What happened?" Emma said, her voice slightly rough "You almost lost your chance to save Henry" Regina said, a grimace in her expression. They all stood in a circle "Wait, I don't get it.." MM said, eyes furrowed in confusion "What exactly does Pan want with both Henry and Hook's sister?" Emma swallowed, and sighed "With Henry, he needs his heart to save himself..with Killian's sister..I'm not really sure..maybe love..?" Regina scoffed, a teasing smile on her red lips "A 300 year old and counting grandpa wants to date an 100 year old? Sounds like pedophilia to me" she shrugged her shoulders, David eyebrows knit together "How would you know how old she is?" Regina rolled her eyes, she sighed "I don't, even if I did..she's still around the age I guessed, so is Hook" she shrugged "This is pointless" David said, grabbing their attention "We asked what Pan wanted with them both, not her backstory" He said, frustration in his eyes "Well in case you haven't noticed, not one of us know what Pan is up to-" "I do" they all turned to see Red, they immediately holstered their weapons and magic, they aimed at her "I'm not here to pick a fight..I'm here to help".

A/n; hey, I hope it makes a little more sense..but I hope you like it c:

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