Chapter 17

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We go down to eat but I'm usually not hungry. I'm forced to eat and I feel like I'm being controlled by Jungkook. "What are you hungry for baby?" He asks me and kisses my head. I'm not hungry. "Anything..." I say softly. "Let's make some eggs" he smiles softly. I nod softly. "You go sit down, I'll make it" I nod and sit at the table. When he finishes making the eggs, he gives me a plate and sits beside me. He starts eating while I stare at the plate. "Baby, aren't you eating?" He looks at me. I snap out of my thoughts and pick up the fork and eat small pieces. "Why can't I go outside?..." I ask. He sighs. "I don't want you escaping baby..." I sigh. "But I get bored here... when you go out..." I plea. "How about you and I go out tonight?" He smiles softly. I nod. "Where?" I ask. "For dinner" he nods. For the first time in a long time, i smiled softly and nod. "Good, I can't wait" he pecks my cheek.

I finish my makeup and put some jewelry on. I look in my closet to find something to wear before Jungkook takes me out for dinner. I find a black dress and take it out. "You're not wearing that" I turn around to see Jungkook adjusting his dress shirt. "Why not?.." I ask. "It's too short. Pick something else" he tells me. I sigh and put the dress back and find something else. I find a cream coloured dress that's just above my knees. I look at him and he approves of it. I put it on. "How does it look?..." I ask. He walks up to me and kisses me passionately. "Beautiful" he pulls back softly. "Let's go" I grab his hand as we go downstairs. I put on some matching coloured heels and grab my purse. Once he puts his shoes and jacket on, he grabs my hand and walks out of the door, locking it. We walk to the car and I get inside while he gets in the front seat driving to a restaurant. He used one hand to drive and the other resting on my thigh. "It's not too far from here" he nods. Shortly after, we arrive. I step out of the car and Jungkook holds my hand.

Psycho Bunny: J.J.K Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz