Chapter 37

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It's been a year since Jaehyuns death. I gave birth to a baby girl and I named her Minah. I remember being so happy that day but also sad. It was a bittersweet feeling. I was happy that I gave birth but I was sad knowing that Jungkook was going to raise her with me and not Jaehyun. The twins are getting older and they still don't understand everything yet.
I was sitting on the couch feeding Minah. Jungkook sits beside me and smiles softly. "She's adorable" he chuckles. Still to this day, I hate Jungkook. With a fiery passion. But he gave me no choice but to live with him forever. I finish feeding Minah and hold her gently in my arms. I look out the window while holding her. Over the months, Jungkook let me go shopping and to see friends. Everyday since Jaehyun, I've visited his grave with the kids. I never buried his body but I still set up a grave for him. I decided to visit him today. "Hi baby. How are you doing today? I miss you a lot you know that? I wish you could be here to see the kids grow up... I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I named her Minah." Tears fall down my face as I talk. "I hate Jungkook and what he did to you.... You don't deserve this..." I sob and hug his gravestone.
Jung Jaehyun
A father, husband, son and a true believer. Rest In Peace.
1997- 2021
I sob more. "Why... why you.." I sniff and leave a boquete of flowers for him. "I love you and I won't ever forget you. Remember you told me earlier? That you'd be here if you were gone?" I hold my heart as I cry tears of joy and sadness. I blow a kiss to the gravestone and stand up. "I'll visit you tomorrow and the next day and the next day until I'm too old to move... I love you Jaehyun.." I look at his gravestone once more before leaving to Jungkook. I won't ever forget Jaehyun. I may live with Jungkook and be stuck with him forever but I will never love him as much as I loved Jaehyun.

Psycho Bunny: J.J.K Where stories live. Discover now