Mia Bisoo Intagram Story

Sophia is certainly going to kill me for the last one

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Sophia is certainly going to kill me for the last one. I thought, placing a hand over my mouth to conceal my laughter.

Even though they were engraved in the internet forever now, I quickly deleted all of them, except the first one. Since Sophia looked good in it, she wouldn't mind me keeping it.

After inspecting my phone further, my grin fell into a serious straight. There were a few unread messages from Corpse, that I didn't have the courage to open right away, since my phone indicated me I had called him.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. Being so vibrant inside my head that I was scared Sophia would wake up from the sound.

I wasn't ready to address the fact that this stranger I met a week ago had more impact in me than I anticipated. He was someone who I enjoyed conversing with and being vulnerable and truthful for once. The thought that I probably had ruined it with a drunk phone call was consuming me.

Not being able to withstand it, I opened the messages.

I had sent the first one, an unintelligible drunk text, to which he replied with confusion and a light about how he assumed I was drunk. From the time stamps I had called him after his message. There were a few more from him, two hours ago, to which I hadn't replied, expressing concern and asking if I was safe.


I'm okay. Just woke up. I'm so sorry if I said anything stupid.

I quickly typed, hitting the send button almost immediately. Holding my phone against my chest, I wasn't given the opportunity to think about the past night and try to recall our conversation, since the phone started ringing.

"Shit." I hissed, running into Sophia's small balcony in order not to wake her, before picking up. "Hello?"

"Mia." I felt my heart drop to my stomach when I heard him.

There was a whole new side to his voice I hadn't known yet. A mix of urge and concern changing it slightly.

"Hi." I repeated, not knowing how to react.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah..." my voice came out as a whisper "Corpse, I'm sorry. I had too many drinks yesterday. I'm not sure what I told you, but I'm sorry."

"You didn't say much." Corpse paused, as if he was recollecting our interaction "You mentioned something about a guy following you around. I was concerned. But then I saw that you were with your friend.."

"Oh- you saw those." I bit down on my bruised lip remembering my brief encounter with Jack. "Listen, I really don't wanna ruin your morning."

"Is it morning?" he humorously remarked, getting a smirk and an eyeroll from me.

"It seems like it... It usually happens when the sun comes up." I looked around the still sleeping LA city.

"You won't ruin anything." he assured me quietly.

"My ex, Jack, he was at the party." I started "He cheated on me a couple of months ago. He still thinks I'm his to play with, so whenever we cross paths... The last time it got bad and it came out to the media. I don't think it did this time. My agent would have been furious if it did.

"There's nothing on the socials." he assured me, allowing me to exhale with relief.

"I'm sorry if I'm scaring you off." I muttered.

"You're not. I just wanna know if he hurt you." Corpse stated, his voice seemingly darker than before.

My fingertips brushed against my bruised lip. This wasn't hurting... It's just bein an asswhole.

"No, I'm fine." my voice cracked, but he didn't comment on it, letting me change the subject "Are we still up for tonight?"

"Of course, princess." his answered cause my lips to curl. " I wouldn't miss it."

"Me neither." my answer came almost as a sigh of relief.

"It's a date."

AN: Hello everyone! A lot of things happened these chapters ahaha

Not too much Corpse related, but it'll be important for they're plot!

In case you need some references: as faceclaims we have:

Scarlett Leithold as Mia Bisognin

Ella Purnell as Sophia Bonnaire

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