Chapter 3:- Date Night.

Start from the beginning

"thank you" I smiled.

We stare at each other again for another moment before a loud blast of music made me jump.

We both turn to look in the direction it came from and the scene infront of me was no surprise what so ever.

Caleb and his friends were just scattered lazily around my front room, making a mess on my new furniture already.

However callum looked over at me, his eyes holding emotions that they always held and I always hated.

Lust, hunger, anger.

He looks at me like I'm his pray but caleb never listens, he never took notice.

I looked up at Cain to see him looking at me already, I watched as he turned his head to look in the direction I just was before looking back at me.

I offered a small smile "excuse me"

I put my head down and walked past him into the kitchen.

I felt tears in my eyes, he always does this.

Treats me as if I dont exist then in the next breath his trying to get me Into bed with him.

I looked at the food I prepared, there's no way there will be any left for me.

"What side of texas are you from?" cains deep voice rang out making me spin round in shock.

How did he know?

"how did you know?" I crossed my arms and frowned and watched as he took a few steps towards me.

"girls like you dont look like you do and come from places like this"

His words warm my heart so much.

"Georgia" I whispered.

"does caleb know?"

"no one except my uncle knows, so I'm surprised you know" I frowned.

"I know a lot of things duchess" his little nickname made me shiver.

"oh really like what?"

"I know that you always wear them red Diamond earrings, red lipstick or gloss and red nail vanish which tells me your favourite colour is red" he started making me shocked.

"each time I've seen you, you've never had your phone in your hand. Meaning you'd prefer books to social media and I know your quite the little book worm"

He takes a couple more steps towards me, his eyes holding me in place.

"and every now and then you say 'ya'll' then panic enters your eyes but you never let it show though, then you cover it up completely"

I could not believe he noticed that, I can't believe he noticed me.

I looked down but at the same time he quickly lifts his finger to grab my chin and lifted my head to look at him.

"but when you get real comfortable around someone, you let your walls down and the real georgia girl shows" he whispered close to my lips.

My mind was clouded by him however I found a little voice in my head wondering if caleb even noticed any of us gone.

He was a lot closer now, he ran his finger up my arms slowly "does caleb know all these things about you, Georgia girl?" the way he said the last bit made me shiver from head to toe.

"I doubt he even remembers I'm there sometimes" I thought out loud.

"why do you stay with him? you could have any man you like Freya" his voice held so much hate.

My Boyfriends Brother (Book 1 Of The My Series) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now