I would still rather have seen the slim possibility of her being genuinely concerned over him like every normal mother.

I then quickly dialed the number of one of my teachers that I knew was up around this time and had nothing else to do since he expelled all his students from his class.

Aizawa: Hello?

Me: Ah good see you picked your phone up.

Aizawa: *Sigh* What do you want?

Me: You see I am in search for a child. He was supposed to meet me but until now didn't show up. In worst care scenario he might be laying in an allay bleeding out to death.

Aizawa: And why are you calling me and not the police?

Me: He is quirkless.

Aizawa: I am on my way.

Me: You might want to check up around Aldera Junior High and Hallow Road 666/13 seeing as it is his home.

Aizawa: How much do you trust his parents?

Me: Not a single word.

I would even go so far as to say, that his mother is tired of him and could kill him!

But let's not jump to conclusion!

He still might not be dead!

Aizawa: I will get Mic check his place up then!

Me: Thank you.

With that, our call ended and I was left alone in the park. Then another thought popped up in my mind.

What if Mrs. Midoriya was lying and he was at home.

What if she is even mistreating him right in this moment!

That would actually explain a lot. It would not only explain what he was doing so late in the park but also why he had the smell of blood on him.

Thinking that I got angrier and couldn't stand the thought of him being chained up in a basement where his mother was torturing him while I was waiting and doing nothing. I stood up from the bench and began walking to the most likely root he took when he came to the park yesterday.

I was still hoping I would meet him while I was walking to his home but to my disappointment I didn't and the feeling something in my gut only worsened.

Once I was in front of the building I was meet with Mic.

Mic: Oh Nezu, what a surprise! Sho told me about a boy you are trying to find and send me here.

Me: Yes, his name is Izuku Midoriya and he is quirkless.

I was thankful that I didn't need to explain any more to them since both of them knew about the suicide rate of quirkless children from past experience firsthand. It was no secret to me that both heroes once came across 2 different quirkless children and both of them took their lived in front of the heroes. One jumped down the building and Aizawa wasn't fast enough with his capture gear and Mic found a girl that slit open her throat on a rooftop while being on the edge of it. Both were traumatizing experiences.

Mic: Door number?

Me: 13!

We both went into the building and to the door. Mic knocked at it violently and a woman with green hair opened the door.

Me: Mrs. Midoriya?

Mr. Midoriya: Yes?

Mic: We are here to see your son!

Mr. Midoriya: What did that devil do know? I swear at this point he doesn't even need to come back home! If I get my fingers on him, I swear to god I will teach him a lesson he won't forget!

The door was slightly opened and I could smell the iron scent of blood. The same scent I smelled on Izuku yesterday.

Me: Blood!

That was all it took for Mic to burst open the door and show the woman always.

Mr. Midoriya: Who the fuck are you to just burst into my home?

Mic: Pro-hero Present Mic!

Me: Nezu the principle of UA and a pro-hero too! We have all rights being here with the assumption that you mistreated your son.

I then went ahead and checked the whole house until I came across a room. The moment I opened the door the strong sent of blood hit my nose and my eyes went wide. This room was completely decked out with all kind of weapons but what shocked me most was that there was a wall in this room without any weapons but chains and it was completely covered in blood.

I immediately took my phone out and called Tsukauchi. This was not a simple missing child case anymore. For all I knew from the amount of blood in the room, he might be dead by now.

Detective: Hello?

Me: Hello, detective Tsukauchi! Please come with some officers to Hallow Road 666/13. This is a child abuse case if not even a child murder case.

Detective: On my way!

Next I called Recovery Girl and informed her of a possibility that Aizawa will come to her with a child that might be nearly dead. Then I went back to Mic, who was holding the woman in place while I was looking around.

Mic: No luck?

Me: No and the detectives will be here any minutes.

Mrs. Midoriya: Detectives why? I never done anything against the law!

Me: OH NO?! Then please do explain what you are doing in that room down the hallways?!

Mrs. Midoriya: This is none of your concern!

Me: Oh it is from now on because I will be taking him with me!

10 minutes later and the police came and arrested the woman. As the officers were dealing with her I went ahead and showed detective Tsukauchi and Mic the torture room I found.

Mic: OH GOD!!!

Detective: I will make sure to put her in Tartarus with the most dangerous villains. Let's see how she will like that!

Mic: She definitely deserves it.

Me: She deserves even more. She should burn in hell for eternity!

Mic: I hope Sho finds him alive!

Me: Me too!

Detective: Me three!

This society is at fault! If they didn't forget that all humanity once lived without any quirk, than think might look different today.

Even if I don't think it will.

People are looking down on others because of their quirks.

The flashier it is the better!

They think it is a gift from the god and now it is normal.

I hated the society and the way the humans think about quirks!

Something must change!

I will personally see to it that this child can live in a society that accepts him and even if it means destroying and rebuilding this already broken one!

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