SEVEN- You Should Sleep

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Sherlock, John, and Anita took sudden left and Anita lost her hold on the gun. She tried to reach a hand towards it, but Sherlock dragged her away.

"The gun!" Anita and John exclaimed.

"Leave it!" Sherlock ordered and they kept running, eventually turning down an alleyway and reaching a high railing, which blocked their way.

"For God's sake," Anita huffed as the three of them skidded to a halt. Sherlock looked over and saw a large dustbin that looked like the three of them could climb on it.

"Over here," he said and they ran over to the dustbin. The three of them climbed up the dustbin and Anita, seeing another large dustbin on the other side, climbed over the railing and landed on the other dustbin. Anita's left arm was raised in the air, seeing as it was still attached to Sherlock's right hand. Sherlock climbed over after her, then John followed. Once again, the trio broke into a run and reached a T-junction. Anita was about to turn right, but suddenly stopped and ducked back as she heard sirens. John and Sherlock followed her actions and the three of them were leaning against the wall, catching their breath.

"Everybody wants to believe it- that's what makes it so clever. A lie that's preferable to the truth. All my brilliant deductions were just a sham. No one feels inadequate- Sherlock Holmes is just an ordinary man," Sherlock said and his voice slowly became more bitter the longer he talked.

"What about Mycroft? He could help us," John offered.

"A big family reconciliation? Now's not really the moment," Sherlock said as he looked down the T-junction. John looked back at where the three of them came from and saw a face peering around the corner. He elbowed Sherlock, who turned and pulled Anita, causing her to turn as well.

"Sherlock. Anita. We're being followed. I knew we couldn't outrun the police," he said.

"That's not the police. It's one of my new neighbors from Baker Street. Let's see if he can give us some answers," Sherlock said, and the three of them ran to the next corner and Sherlock looked around the corner, seeing no sign of the police but seeing a double decker bus approaching. Anita was going to kill him.

"Where are we going?" John asked and Anita nodded along.

"We're going to jump in front of that bus," Sherlock replied.

"What?!" Anita and John asked, but Sherlock had already moved and dragged the pair with him.

The trio was now standing in the middle of the street and facing the bus. Anita shot a glare at Sherlock as the bus got closer and closer. Oh, she was going to kill him if they died. Then the man from the alleyway charged into the road and threw himself at the three of them, shoving them out of the oncoming traffic and all four of them tumbling to the ground. The double decker bus drove past, blaring it's horn at them. Anita quickly sat up and pulled the man's gun from his jeans, cocked the gun and aimed at him.

"Tell us what you want from me," Sherlock demanded of the man, who stared at the trio wide eyed. Anita rolled her eyes and moved the gun closer.

"Tell us."

"He left it at your flat," the man answered.

"Who?" Sherlock questioned.


"What?" Anita asked as they all got up on their feet. She never took the gun's aim off him.

"The computer key code," the man replied.

"Of course. He's selling it- the program he used to break into the Tower. He planted it when he came around," Sherlock explained as three gunshots rang out. The man reeled before dropping to the ground. Anita and Sherlock stared up into the direction the bullets came from before turning and racing off again.

The Reichenbach Fall (Sherlock Holmes X OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang