Chapter Eighty-Seven

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Outside of the Founder's Hall, John is heading across the parking lot towards his car, ready to leave this event before someone else breaks his neck and throws him over a balcony. Behind him, Damon and Alaric follow, heading towards him.

"Going somewhere, hm?" Damon asks, John glances over his shoulder at them and then sighs before he stops and turns to face them.

"I've never liked to be the last one to leave a party. It's too desperate." John answers and then raises an eyebrow. "You're going to kill me again or you're gonna let Mr Saltzman do your dirty work?"

"Okay, you obviously know who I am." Alaric points out.

"I do. Alaric Saltzman, a high school history teacher with a secret."

"Sure know a lot for someone who just got to town" Damon comments.

"More than you can imagine, Damon. My knowledge of this town goes beyond anything that you" John looks at Damon. "Or you" He looks at Alaric.

"Or the council knows. So, if you're planning on some clever high-speed snatch ring vamp kill move, know that if I die, everything I know goes to the council including the fascinating little tale of the originals Salvatore brothers and their present-day return to Mystic Falls" Damon is surprised and doesn't know what to say.

"How did you get that ring?" Alaric comments.

"I had inherited one, my brother Gray had the other. This was his" John shows his ring to them. "And I wouldn't have given mine to Isobel if I had known she'd hand it over to another guy"

"So you did know her?" Damon asks.

"Who do you think send her your way when she wanted to become a vampire?" John counters with a look.

"You sent her?"

"Guilty" John answers and then cocks his head. "Why, did you think someone else sent her? Maybe Katherine Pierce?"

"How do you know about Katherine?"

"How do I know anything, Damon?" John counters looking very smug with himself.

"What do you want?" Damon asks John who smirks.

"So many questions. It was a pleasure meeting you, Ric. I've heard so much about you" John leaves. Damon and Alaric look at each other and watch him. The Founder's Hall door opens and closes with a loud rattle drawing their eyes as Cassandra leaves and heads down the steps, almost going over a few times. Damon sighs a little watching her struggle to pull her heels off. Alaric raises an eyebrow.

"You or me?"Alaric asks.

"I got her" Damon answers, already walking towards her.


Cassandra hums away to herself as she crosses the parking lot in search of her car, well...Jenna's car. She is done and now, well, now she just wants to go home. She pulls out her car keys and then stares down at them.

"I'm in no condition to drive..." She mumbles to herself and then looks up. "Wait! I shouldn't listen to myself, I'm drunk!" She tells herself and then bursts into laughter. Giggling away to herself. Not a care in the world. But she is very unsteady on her feet. Damon is suddenly behind her, catching her as she stumbles back, almost losing her footing. So much for Elena keeping an eye on her. She hums a little.

"Okay, why are you thinking about driving?" He takes her car keys from her as he helps her back upright, leaning her against his chest, his arm around her waist, hand splayed on her stomach. "Where's your boyfriend, huh? Shouldn't he be looking after you?"

"What?" She asks as she blinks at him, tilting her head in her confusion.

"That Lockwood boy" He points out. She frowns at him.

"What?" She repeats and then flexes her fingers. "My hand hurts" She mumbles and looks at her hand. She'd hit Tyler pretty hard and yeah, it had vibrated through her hand enough that it now aches. Damon takes her wrist and pulls her closer to him, eyes peering down at her hand. He snorts a little.

"You hit him?" He realises, she hums and nods, then is suddenly smiling like she's very proud of herself.

"Yeah" She answers and he lifts his hand to her face, touching her cheek. She hums and closes her eyes. "Yeah, I did" She adds. He lets out a breath. More relieved than he expected he'd be. She hadn't wanted to kiss him. She doesn't want him back. It's not as bad as he thought it was. He maybe should have stuck around a moment just to see how it played out.

"Okay" He lets out and nudges her forwards towards the car. "Let's get you home, X-Girl" He teases a little. He is feeling better about it all knowing that Tyler Lockwood is not a competitor, he's not going to have to kill him for the nerve. He likes the idea that there is no one else after her, romantically. He can take his time. Do this at his own speed. His own way. He never wanted to be rushed into it. Not with her. It has to be on their terms. No one else's. He presses his head to the side of hers.


Cassandra sleeps, curled up in her bed, like a little psychic burrito. Damon adjusts her blankets around her. She'd been fast asleep before he'd even driven her back and didn't have to heart to wake her up. Not when he could just put her to bed himself. His fingers draw over her neck and then brush her hair away as he sits next to her. She groans in her sleep, shifting slightly before she settles. He lets out a breath and then leaves her to sleep it off.

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