Chapter Fifty-Four

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Cassandra curls her hair into a 50s style do. She's not sure it suits her but it is a decade that she happens to love. She never admits it, but these decade dances are right up her street. She's a sucker for vintage, as seen with her television preferences. Plus she kind of likes the clothing. She lifts her eyes to where her dress is hanging on the back of her door. Her wardrobe has since been cleared away, and replaced with one of those cheap metal rails, just till she can get something more permanent. She sighs and shakes her head. She shouldn't have destroyed her last one. She holds up her hands and uses her powers to pull out items from her little makeup bag on the dresser. She sets her headphones into her ears and then sets about doing her make up for the party.


Elena is in her bedroom, adding the finishing touches to her '50s hairstyle. She walks into the bathroom and blow-dries her hair as she pulls a round brush through it. In her bedroom, Elena has left the vampire compass on her bed. Suddenly, the needle starts to whirl around, but Elena cannot hear it over the noise of the blow dryer. Elena, satisfied with her hair, turns the dryer off and walks out of the bathroom. The needle of the compass is pointing at her closet which Elena is heading towards. She opens the closet, dramatically the compass starts whirring again, and no one is hiding in the closet. Elena retrieves a pink scarf from a hanger. Elena shuts the closet door and walks over to her doorway, poking her head into the hall.

"Hey, Jenna. Cassie? Jeremy?" No one responds to Elena. The compass's needle continues to spin around and Elena, hearing the noise, turns her head towards the compass. She finally sees the needle spinning out of control. Elena walks over to the bed, quickly, and picks up the compass, looking at the needle. She picks up her phone and dials Stefan's number before quickly walking out of the room.

"Stefan's phone. How may I help you?" Damon answers instead when the phone picks up. Elena quickly walks down the stairs and anxiously speaks to Damon.

"Where is he?" Elena asks.

"He's on his way to you. Forgot his phone" Damon explains. Elena stops in the living room and sighs.

"Oh, thank God. This compass was spinning" Elena relaxes. Right above Elena, Noah is braced to the ceiling looking down at Elena. "Stefan must be here. Thank you"

"You're welcome" Damon offers. Elena hangs up. Suddenly, Noah jumps down from the ceiling. Elena spins around and gasps. Noah grabs Elena and extends his fangs, getting ready to bite her neck. Elena screams. Before Noah can bite her, he's wrapped in a red mist and tugged backwards away from Elena. Cassandra stands at the bottom of the stairs with her hands held out. Stefan vamp-speeds in from the back of the house.

"Elena?!" He moves to Elena as Cassandra throws Noah backwards and over the couch. Noah grunts and gets up from the floor and vamp-speeds out of the house. Cassandra keeps her hands held out at the door, waiting to see if he comes back. Elena, still frightened, tightly holds on to Stefan. Cassandra finally relaxes and turns to Elena.

"Are you okay?" She asks, Elena nods but is still worried that he might come back.


Cassandra, Stefan and Elena have now been joined at the house by Damon. Damon paces around the living room while Stefan and Elena sit on the couch next to each other and Cassandra is perched in an armchair.

"How did he get in?" Damon asks them.

"He was invited in." Elena answers.

"He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night" Cassandra adds.

"Well, he gets points for that. Did he say what he wanted?" Damon counters.

"No. He was too busy trying to kill me" Elena complains.

"And you have no idea who this is?" Stefan asks Damon who gives him a look.

"No" Stefan looks unconvinced. "Don't look at me like that. I told you we had company" Damon points out.

"You think there's more than one?" Cassandra asks, Damon just shrugs back in response. She literally cannot deal with any more drama. This is all currently batshit as it is.

"We don't know" Damon answers as he sits on the arm of the couch next to Cassandra.

"Damon, he was invited in" Damon nods, understanding what Stefan is hinting at.

"Then we go get him tonight." Damon points out and then glances between the twins. "You two up for it?"

"What do I have to do?" Elena counters.

"Let your boyfriend take you to the dance. We'll see who shows up" Damon points out.

"That's a bad idea" Stefan argues.

"Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives in it. It's worth a shot"

"I'll do it" Elena assures them. Stefan looks anxious. Damon nods, agreeing. Elena grabs Stefan's hand in her own and looks at him. "I'll be with you. I'll be safe" Elena tells Stefan. Stefan nods and looks up at Damon, who shrugs his shoulder and glances at Cassandra.

"So stand around and do nothing?" Cassandra offers. "Wait for something suspicious to happen?"

"Cassandra" Stefan starts, she snorts.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" She asks them as she tilts her head. Damon smirks a little and looks down.

"No one's forgotten" He assures her. "But looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." He warns her.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Cassandra asks him.

"Not to my face" Damon answers and then gives her a look. "Why? Did you hear something?" He asks her with a smirk, she smirks back at him, leaning on the arm of the chair.

"Speaking of the dance" Elena turns to Cassandra, interrupting them. "Is that what you're wearing?" Cassandra looks down at her shorts and tank top.

"I was in the middle of getting dressed when it went straight up Fright Night in here" Cassandra counters and stands, heading back upstairs to finish getting ready. Elena watches her go, waits to hear her bedroom door close before she is turning on Damon.

"If you hurt her" Elena starts, Damon raises an eyebrow at her.

"What are you gonna do?" He asks her. Elena gives him a look.

"Damon" Stefan scolds. "Whatever you are playing at...."

"I'm not playing at anything" Damon stops him. Stefan stares at Damon a moment, trying to work out if his brother is lying here, but he can't figure him out in regards to Cassandra.

A/N - CAS' 50s LOOK:

A/N - CAS' 50s LOOK:

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(1) Just Magic (D. Salvatore)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat