Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Cassandra texts Damon as she makes her way down the stairs. Dressed for Stefan's birthday party. She's now more suspicious about this than she was earlier. The more time alone. The more she thought about it. everything Damon said about the party felt off. She is now convinced that he's up to something, which should have been her first thought, she knows, but everything has been so in her face that she just skimmed over that. Her head and emotions are all over the place that she can't think straight. She just liked the idea of having her own friend. Elena is sat on the couch with a blanket over her legs, she's settled in for the night. Not really wanting to go to another party, considering what happened at Halloween. She is a little surprised that Cassandra is going, considering least she is trying to get back to normal. Cassandra sits on the bottom step of the stairs with her shoes and glances over at Elena.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Cassandra asks as she pulls on her shoes.

"I'm sure" Elena assures her.

"And you are sure that you don't want to talk about whatever it is that is bothering you?" Elena gives Cassandra a small smile and shakes her head.

"Not until after Caroline's party..." Elena answers. "I don't want to ruin your fun..." Cassandra stands and gives her a look.

"I could just" Cassandra holds up her hand and wiggles her fingers, Elena gives her a look. "Find out myself"

"Please don't use your powers on me, Cassie" Elena warns her, Cassandra just smirks back before shrugging and leaving. Elena lets out a breath and shakes her head.


Damon's eyes linger on Cassandra as she leans against the bar ordering herself a drink. She usually wears flowy dresses and skirts but this little tartan number is on the tighter side. Sculptured to her legs.

"Hey" She greets when she turns to face him. Damon leans against the bar at her side.

"Hey" He counters, lets his eyes travel down her outfit and he's not exactly being subtle about it. She raises an eyebrow at him. "Nice skirt" He offers, literally unable to tear his eyes away from that skirt. Caroline approaches the two of them, smiling widely.

"Amazing party right?" Caroline asks them, Cassandra raises an eyebrow at her. Caroline just beams back. Pleased with her own handy work, and yeah, it is a pretty nice shindig. It's definitely on that line between teen and adult. Shows that they are all growing up.

"You did great, Care" Cassandra offers as Damon slides his arm around her waist, fingers pressing into her side.

"Okay, so I am going to go and mingle....have fun" Caroline teases and then heads away. Damon rolls his eyes and looks at Cassandra.

"How do you not strangle her?" He asks her, she shrugs a little.

"She's bearable in small doses" She answers and glances at the bartender as he sets her drink down on the bar top. Damon leans closer to her.

"Do you have my crystal?" Damon asks her.

"No" She answers. "I haven't seen Bonnie yet" She picks up her drink and gives him a look. "I just got here" She takes a sip of her drink and then looks at him. "Plus it's just a crystal, can't you just find another one?" She asks.

"Doesn't work that way" He argues as he finds himself distracted by that skirt again.

"Damon" She scolds a little. He hums and then looks up at her, she gives him a look. "Really?" She asks, he shrugs. He can't explain it. It's just that damn skirt. Damon sees Lexi enter the Grill and leaves Cassandra to go over to her. Cassandra shakes her head and turns to the bar again, leaning against it.

"Where's my brother?" Damon asks Lexi.

"He said he'd meet me here" Lexi answers, not really wanting to be having any kind of conversation with him.

"Buy you a...." Damon starts but doesn't get to finish as Lexi walks away from him. Damon glares at the back of her head.


Cassandra walks up to Bonnie who is looking around the Grill. Watching people have fun. Cassandra wiggles her fingers in a wave at her friend.

"Bonnie, I've been looking for you," Cassandra tells her, Bonnie gives her a look.

"Here I am" Bonnie offers, Cassandra smiles a little.

"So...I really need my crystal back" Cassandra tells her, Bonnie frowns back at her.


"Because it wasn't mine to give you" Cassandra admits.

"I can't give it back to you" Bonnie argues, Cassandra gives her a look.

"What do you mean you can't? Bonnie, it's mine." Cassandra snaps a little. The two of them staring at one another.

"I thought you said it was Damon's" Bonnie counters.

"It is." Cassandra answers. 

"So he's the one who really wants it back"

"No. Maybe, just..." Cassandra tries to snatch the crystal off of Bonnie but it shocks her. Cassandra looks at her fingers in shock and alarm. 

"You were really gonna pull it from my neck. What the hell is wrong with you?" Bonnie gives Cassandra a weird look and then walks away. Cassandra glares after her a little. Damon grabs her wrist as she goes to move.

"You do that in here, you're going to be in big trouble" He warns her as her red energy flickers at her fingers.

"I tried" She whispers.

"Yeah, I saw" He assures her. "Why does it do that?" He muses as he watches Bonnie through the crowd.

"My head feels foggy" She lifts her free hand to rub her head. Being around so many people, it's playing with her powers. She can feel it messing with her. She doesn't understand why she is being so snippy. This isn't her. She doesn't snap at her friends. She doesn't get grabby. It's Damon. Being 'friends' with him is changing her. She gives him a look and then takes a step away from him. It's him.

"What?" He asks her, confused by that look in her eyes. She shakes her head, lets out a sigh before she walks away from him. Damon frowns.

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