Voice Like an Angel

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[A/n: peep a quote from Perfect Harmony as the title

Warnings: Language, fluff, self doubt]

Alex's pov:

"I mean, only if you want to." Willie climbs down the ladder. I stand there in shock, he basically said he wants to fuck me. Do I want to do that though?

'Yes' I think with no hesitation. I poof downstairs and turn to Willie. Before my anxiety hits, I say, "My answer is yes."

I immediately turn away and sit at my drums. Hopefully he wasn't kidding about what he said, because that would be akward.

"Y- you want to?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yes, now shut up." I bury my face into his crop top, the scent of him calming me.

"Okayyy." Julie looks back and forth between me and Willie. "Is there something you guys would like to say?" She asks.

"No!" Me and Willie interject at the same time.

"Well then you'd better get ready to sing," Julie says, raising here eyebrows.

I imagine my drumsticks in my hands, and then, poof, there they are. Willie pulls over a bean bag and sits next to me.

"Tonight," he whispers in my ear, "wait for me up in the loft, I'll come once Reggie and Luke are asleep."

I nod, my face growing red.

We all pull out our music and microphones, and that's when I realize that Willie doesn't have one.

"Julie!" I call.

She turns to look at me.

"Willie doesn't have a mic."

Willie looks at the ground. "O- oh no that's fine I don't need one right now."

"But then we won't be able to hear you!" I pout.

"That doesn't matter."

"Here, you can use my spare one," Julie says, rummaging in her music drawers. She hands it to him but he still seems hesitant to use it.

"Thank you." He hold it up to his mouth and whispers into it,"Testing, testing." His voice comes out 3 times louder on our speakers, and he winces.

I frown. "Is something wrong Wills?"

He shakes his head but I can tell somethings bothering him.

"You know that you can tell me anything, right?" I whisper, gently tipping his head up to face me with two fingers.

His eyes are full of tears and I gasp in shock.

"Willie?" I look around and see everyone staring at us. "Can you guys give us some privacy?"

"Sure." Julie leaves the studio and Luke and Reggie follow her.

"Whats wrong?" I ask Willie quietly.

He sniffs. "I- I don't want you to make fun of me."

"For what?"

"S- singing!" He breaks down into tears and I wrap him in a hug.

"I would never make fun of you for singing Willie, why would you think that I would?"

"Because my parents used to." He pulls away and tries to stop crying, but fails.

I stare at him in shock. "Your parents made fun of you for singing?"

"Y- yes!" He wails. "They told me I was terrible, and off-key, and I'm supposed to sing low because singing high is supposed to be for girls."

Although I want to comfort him, I'm left speechless.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be making a big deal over this." He whimpers.

I pull him into another hug. "I am so sorry about what they said Wills, you're singing is amazing and you can sing as high as you want."

He stares into my eyes, every once in a while flickering down to my lips for a second.

"I love you so much Alex. I feel better now, thank you."

I give him a small smile. "Any time."

We slowly lean in together and kiss, butterflies exploding in my stomach at the contact. When I pull away he's got a smile on his face and he isn't crying anymore.

"You good to sing in front of everyone, or do you wanna practice a bit by yourself first?"

"I- I think I'm good."

I poof outside the garage and motion for Julie, Reggie, and Luke to come back inside.

When they get inside I make them sit down, luke and Reggie on Luke's couch and Julie on her beanbag.

"Okay, before we sing you guys need to promise me something."

"What is it?" Luke asks.

"No making fun of Willie's singing."

"Why would we do that?" Julie asks, sounding confused.

"Just don't." I raise my hand and point to each of them in turn. "Or there will be major trouble. Got it?"

They all agree and I back off.

"Lex," Willie whispers.

I turn to him. "Ya?"

"Thank you." He smiles.

"No problem." I plant a quick kiss on his lips before sitting behind my drums. Reggie snorts, but evidently Julie and Luke are getting better at tolerating our affection.

"Okay." Julie sits at her piano. "From the top, 1, 2, 3,"

[A/n: this chapters kinda short and took forever, soorryyy]

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