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Warnings: Language]

Willie's pov:

I poof put to the skatepark, figuring that I could blend into the crowd. I find a group of guys and go hide between them.  I wonder how long it'll take Caleb to come search here.

"Hey, wanna do some tricks?" A girl walks up to one of the guys. The guy blushes and stutters a nervous yes.  For some reason that made me think of Alex, and I start blushing uncontrollably.  Caleb better not hurt him while he's there. If he does, I honestly will not care that he can destroy me with a snap of his fingers, I will do everything possible to kill him.

I sit down on the ground because my legs are getting tired of standing. I remain alert, but after a while I let myself relax. Caleb probably won't search here.

Bad decision.

Really bad.

I see Caleb's shoes slowly approaching me and I have no clue what to do. It's like my body forgot how to move.  I can't even poof out.

"Fancy seeing you here William." Caleb says. He grabs my shirt and yanks me up. "Why didn't you come to the club when I called?"

I take shaky breaths and plan out my answer in my head. I block out Caleb from reading my mind using a complicated spell type thing I learned.  "I- I wanted to finish skating."

He raises an eyebrow. "It didn't look like you were skating, you were sitting on the ground not doing anything. I think that you're hiding something."

Ohh no. If he figures out what I did he won't hesitate to destroy me. "I was just taking a break."

"For 20 minutes?" He steps away from me and waves his hands. Bars appear around me and I grab them.

"Let me out Caleb." I growl.

He shakes his head. "I'll be back in, let's say, 2 - 3 hours. I just need to decide your punishment for sneaking out. Don't move. Not that you can." He snaps and dissapears.

I try to poof out but I can't. Oh my God. I'm trapped in a cage at a skatepark. If anyone realized that I was missing, they would never think to check here.

Alex's pov:

Luke comes up the ladder into the loft with Julie and Reggie behind him.

"Hey man, what's wrong." He says softly.

I sniff. Everything. Willie's missing and Caleb probably caught him and destroyed him.  "W- Willie was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago but he's not."

Julie says something, but I don't hear it because I break down again.

"Reggie can you get Alex a blanket please." I hear Luke whisper.  He sits down beside me and makes me breathe deeply with him. Julie gives me a hug. Reggie drapes a blanket over my shoulders and I snuggle into it.

"Sorry for making a big deal out of this, I know he's only 10 minutes late but do you think we should go out to look for him?" I say really fast.

"Woah, repeat that. But slower." Reggie laughs.

I sigh and repeat myself.

"I mean sure, if it makes you happy we can certainly go look for him." Luke stands up and gently pulls me to my feet.

"Of course you can," Julie says."Go find your boyfriend."

I smile at them. "Thank you guys."

We poof out to the place that I think Willie would most likely be at, the streets where we met. He probably would try to pass off as a lifer.  We look for a while, but no sign of him. I get increasingly worried as we peer around each corner and don't see him.

"I don't think he's here." Luke says after 5 minutes.

I nod sadly and take us to the next spot Willie might be in. The museum we screamed in.  We search every room but still no sign of him.

"Where is he?" My voice cracks and tears fill my eyes. "You don't actually think that Caleb-" I start crying and bury my face in Reggie's jacket.  He rubs my back and hugs me.

I pull away from  the hug and take a deep breath. "Theres only one other spot that I think he would go, if he isn't there than I have no clue where he would be."  I wait for a few minutes for myself to calm down, and then I take them to the last place. The skatepark.

I run desperately around, searching for Willie, and then I see him. In a cage. What the fuck?

I run to him and he makes eye contact. He looks exhausted.

"Caleb found me." he whispers.

I gasp. So Caleb did find him, even though he hid in a giant crowd of people. Willie's in even more danger than I thought he was.

[A/n: this is kinda short sorry. Also incase you can't tell, Alex is as emotional as hell in this book]

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